饮用水源中的微囊藻毒素与大肠癌发病的关系 |
周伦 鱼达 余海 陈坤 沈高飞 沈永洲 阮引玲 丁杏芬
【摘要】 目的 研究不同类型饮用水源中的微囊藻毒素与大肠癌发病的关系。方法 在浙江省海宁市的8个乡镇,对近20年的共408例大肠癌患者进行一生中饮水情况的调查,并分别采集井水、自来水、池塘水及河浜水的水样,用间接竞争酶联免疫方法测定微囊藻毒素的含量。结果 饮用池塘水及河浜水的大肠癌发病率均明显高于饮用井水和自来水的发病率,经与饮用井水相比,饮用自来水、河浜水及池塘水的相对危险度分别为1.88、7.94和7.70,差异具有非常显著意义。在井水、自来水、河浜水及池塘水中,测定的微囊藻毒素阳性率(>50 pg/ml)分别为0.00%、0.00%、36.23%及17.14%。阳性标本(河浜水及池塘水)中的微囊藻毒素最高含量分别达到1 083.43 pg/ml和1 937.94 pg/ml。河浜水与池塘水中的微囊藻毒素阳性率和含量均明显高于井水和自来水,经统计学处理,差异具有非常显著意义。作Spearman等级相关分析,各乡镇大肠癌发病率与当地浅表水源的微囊藻毒素含量存在正相关。结论 饮用河浜水、池塘水等浅表水是大肠癌的危险因素之一,其中微囊藻毒素的含量与大肠癌的发病呈阳性联系,提示有必要对藻类毒素与大肠癌发病的关系作进一步研究。 【关键词】 饮水; 藻类; 毒素类; 结肠直肠肿瘤
Drinking water types, microcystins and colorectal cancer
ZHOU Lun, YU Da, YU Hai (Cancer Institute, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310009, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To assess the relationship between microcystins (a blue-green algal toxin) in drinking water and colorectal cancer. Methods Eight townships were randomly selected as study sites in Haining city of Zhejiang province, China. Four hundred and eight colon and rectum carcinoma cases diagnosed from 1977 to 1996 were identified from cancer registry in the study sites. A retrospective survey on types of drinking water of all 408 cases was conducted. Population data and drinking water sources data were provided by local household registration and local health institution, respectively. Water samples from different sources (well, tap-water, river and pond) were collected and microcystins concentrations were measured by an indirect competitive ELISA method. Results The incidence rates of colorectal cancer were significantly higher among people drinking river or pond water than those who drank well water or tap-water in both males and females. And comparing with other sources to well water, the relative risks (RR) were much higher for people using river water (7.94) and pond water(7.70). The positive detection rates (>50 pg/ml) of micro[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 京、津、沪、渝四城市肺癌危险因素病例对照研究 下一个医学论文: 甲基叔丁基醚对细胞周期及细胞凋亡的影响