中国人着色性干皮病遗传互补组分析 |
1 材料和方法 1.1 病例 4例XP病患者分别来自4个不同XP家系,由宁夏医学院附属医院皮肤科和北京301医院皮肤科分别确诊。其中3例来自宁夏,分别定名为XP1CNX、XP2CNX、XP3CNX,1例来自北京,定名为XP1CBJ(表1)。
表1 4例中国人XP患者临床特征 Tab 1 Clinical characters of four Chinese patients with xeroderma pigmentosum
Cases (病例) Sex (性别) Age (年龄) Skin symptoms (皮肤损伤程度) Skin neoplasms (皮肤肿瘤) Onset of acute sun sensitivity (发病年龄) Neurological abnormalities (神经精神症状) Consan- guineous (近亲婚配) Affected siblings (受累同胞) XP1CNX male 48 mild + 24 - - 4/6 XP2CNX female 22 severe + 1 - + 2/4 XP3CNX male 14 severe + 1.5 - + 2/2 XP1CBJ male 18 severe + 2 - - 1/1
图1 细胞融合和放射自显影遗传互补组分析 (a)→(g)为XP1CBJ患者成纤维细胞分别与XP-A、C、D、E、F和G细胞互补实验。XP1CBJ细胞和XP24KO(XP-E)细胞发生融合,嗜银颗粒数用异质双核表示;(h)和(i)示XP2CNX和两个XP-C标准细胞系间的融合;(j)和(k)为XP3CNX和两个XP-C细胞的融合;(l)为XP2CNX与XP3CNX的融合,箭头表示同样实验条件下正常细胞两个细胞核嗜银颗粒平均数值 Fig 1 Genetic complementation analysis by cell-fusion and autoradiography (a) through(g) complementation test between the patient's (XP1CBJ) fibroblasts and each reference XP strain belonging to group A,C,D or G.For cell-fusion between XP1CBJ and XP24KO (XP-E) cells, the numbers of grains were scored only with heterodikaryons (see text); (h) and (i) cell-fusion between CP2CNX and two reference XP-C strains; (j) and (k) cell-fusion between XP3CNX and two XP-C strains;(l) between XP2CNX and XP3CNX cells. Arrow indicates the mean number of grains per nucleus in normal (N170s) cells measured with the same set of experiment
1.2 XP成纤维细胞建株 分别从4个XP患者取皮肤组织成纤维细胞传代培养,并建立4个细胞株,分别定名为XP1CNX、XP2CNX、XP3CNX和XP1CBJ。互补组分析实验选用的标准细胞株是N170S(正常细胞)[7,8],XP30S(A组)[9]、XP1AA/GM3176(C组)[7]、XP1CTA(C组)[10]、XP7BE(D组)、XP24KO(E组)[11]、XP1010S(F组)[7,8]、XP2B1(G组)和XP4SA(V型)[6]。 1.3 UV辐射细胞存活实验 置细胞于60 mm平皿中,用不同剂量254 nM UV照射[7,9],然后培养2周,每周更换培养液1次。用甲基蓝染色上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 先天性红绿色觉异常基因缺失与杂种基因融合位点分析 下一个医学论文: 遗传性脊髓小脑型共济失调的CAG三核苷酸突变检测