食管癌及癌旁组织中基因表达的初步研究 |
周津 刘芝华 王秀琴 周传农 赵峻 张汝刚 吴旻*
【摘要】 目的 了解食管癌的基因表达概况,寻找在食管癌及癌旁组织中差异表达基因。方法 以癌及癌旁组织polyA+ RNA反转录合成的cDNA为探针,与Atlas微点阵表达分析膜进行差异杂交。结果放射自显影结果显示在所分析的588种已知基因中,cdc25B、MMP、MET等61个在食管癌组织中表达上调,cytokeratin 4、BAD、IL-1RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST、IL-6等22个表达下调,参与细胞增殖、凋亡、分化和转移调控的多种基因的表达水平发生了明显改变。结论 这些基因的表达改变组成了一个食管癌特异的基因表达谱,首次为食管癌细胞的恶性表型提供了分子遗传学参考数据,一些与肿瘤发生相关的差异表达基因为发展生物标记物或肿瘤早期诊断和治疗提供了线索。Atlas微点阵表达分析滤膜的差异杂交为初步了解某一组织或细胞的表达状况提供了一个较好的方法。 【关键词】 食管癌 基因表达谱 差异杂交 Atlas点阵表达分析
Gene expression profiles in squamous esophageal cancer tissues and adjacent almost normal tissues
ZHOU Jin, LIU Zhihua, WANG Xiuqin, ZHOU Chuannong, ZHAO Jun, ZHANG Rugang, WU Min*, * National Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Department of Cellular Biology, Cancer Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Science,Beijing,100021 P.R.China.E-mail:wumin@moon 3.cicams.ac.cn
【Abstract】 Objective To describe an esophageal cancer-specific expression profile and to identify genes that showed altered expression in squamous esophageal cancer tissues and their adjacent almost normal tissues.Methods The cDNA probes were synthesized from polyA+RNA of cancer and adjacent almost normal tissues and were differentially hybridized with two identical Atlas huamn cDNA expression arrays membranes containing 588 known genes.Results Autoradiographic analysis showed that of the 588 genes analyzed, 61 were found up-regulated in cancer, including cdc25B, Notchl, MMP, MET etc, and 22 down-regulated in cancer, including cytokeratin 4,BAD, IL-1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST,IL-6, etc.Expression levels of genes that associated with the regulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation and metastasis altered most.Conclusion The results for the first time provide an esophageal cancer-specific expression profile,showing that complex alterations of gene expression underlie the development of malignant phenotype of esophageal cancer cells. In addition, this line of research ca[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 用染色体候选区域限定策略对诏安地区人群哮喘易感性的初步研究 下一个医学论文: 血管紧张素原基因M235T分子变异与2型糖尿病肾病的关系