少年犯人格的基本特征及其相关因素的研究 |
邓芸菁 窦刚 张锋
中图分类号:G449.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3611(2000)03 -0160-03
A Study on the Basic Personality Traits of Juvenile Criminals and Related Factors
DENG Yun-jing,DOU Gang,ZHANG Feng (Yunnan Normal University ,Kunming 650092,China)
【Abstract】Objective:To explore the basic personality traits of juvenile criminals with respect to crime types,areas of residence,and structures of family.Methods:This study involved administering the “EPQ-C” a nd a self-designed questionnaire to 379 male juvenile criminals aged from 13 to 15 years.Results:As compared to the normal samples,the juvenile criminals obtained significantly hi gher scores on the dimensions of E and N,but lower scores on the dimension of L.The juvenile criminals committing different types of crime also differed sig nificantly in their scores on the dimensions of P,L and N.Further,there were significantly different scores on the dimension of P and L between juvenile cri minals living in urban and rural areas.Finally,scores on the dimension of N w as found to be significantly different in juvenile criminals with single parents.Conclusion:The basic personality traits of the juvenile criminal are:extrove rsion,restless,hard to self-control,unsteady emotion,weak defensive mechanis m,as well as comparatively low mental maturity and credulity.These personalit y traits are significantly linked with important factors of crime types,areas of residence and integrity of family. 【Key words】Juvenile criminal; Personality traits
1 对象与方法
1.1 被试 被试来自云南省少管所13~15岁云南籍男性少年犯共计379人。其中犯有盗窃罪者150人,犯有抢劫罪者l18人,犯有强奸罪者49人,犯有伤害罪者21人,数罪并罚者41人;来自城市[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 大学生受暗示性的测量及其与人格的关系 下一个医学论文: 中师生自尊水平与心理健康的相关研究