大学生受暗示性的测量及其与人格的关系 |
中图分类号:G449.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3611(2000)03 -0163-02
Suggestibility of College Students and Its Relation to Personali ty
ZHAN Qi-sheng (Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330027,China)
【Abstract】Objective:With the development of social psy chology,research on sug gestion in interpersonal influences has been underway.However,majority of this research focused on qualitative analysis.This study attempted to further ver ify the law of existence and action of suggestion using a quantitative approach.Methods: On the basis of available research,an eight-it em test was developed to measure suggestibility of college students.Meanwhile,personality of the col lege students was also assessed and compared with their levels of suggestibility .Results: Significant difference in suggestibility was fo und between males and females is significant.There was also significant difference in the Q2-factor of the 16PF Scale between highly suggested and lowly suggested subjects.Conclu sion: Females,as a whole,showed higher scores of suggestibility than males amo ng college students.The college students with higher scores of suggestibility t ended to behave more independently.Assessment manual of the eight-item test of suggestibility is available. 【Key words】Suggestibility;Sex;Personality
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象 此测试共取样42名大学生。其中男、女各21名。按年级分配为:一年级15人,二年级9人,三年级12人,四年级6人。 1.2 研究方法 1.2.1 受暗示性测量 根据有关文献,结合自己的现有条件,设计了如下8项受暗示性测量。 第1项:有两个直径皆为10mm的同样的小钢球,让被试用手触摸,并问:“你觉得哪一个小钢球更大?”。此实验在一个自制[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人格障碍评估研究 PDQ 4在北京医学生中的试用 下一个医学论文: 少年犯人格的基本特征及其相关因素的研究