人格障碍评估研究 PDQ 4在北京医学生中的试用 |
杨蕴萍 沈东郁 刘稚颖 王久英
中图分类号:G449.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3611(2000)03-0165-03
Assessment of Personality Disorders by PDQ+4 among Beijing Medical Students
YANG Yun-ping,SHEN Dong-yu,LIU Zhi-ying,WANG Jiu-ying (Beijing Anding Hospital,Beijing 100088,China)
【Abstract】Objective:To expand normative data of PDQ+4 in different cultural sa mples of China,the PDQ+4 was administered to a group of 226 medical students in Beijing.Methods:Testing was conducted with groups of 20 students.Results:The means of Narcissistic,Antisocial,and Passive Aggressive personality disorders in PDQ+4 were higher in the male group than in the female group.The scores of Avoidance and Obsessive personality disorders at points of 90% and 95% were c onsiderably higher than the cut-off scores of PDQ+4.Three factors were abstrac ted by factor analysis.The loading of personality disorders on these three fa ctors deviated significantly from what was originally proposed in the theory of test construction.Conclusion:Cross-cultural factors shou ld be considered when using PDQ+4 in China.The category of personality disorders proposed in t he PDQ+4 needs to be further validated. 【Key words】Personality disorders;Assessment
人格诊断问卷(Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire,简称PDQ)是美国Hyler博士(1983)根据DSM-III中人格障碍的诊断标准编制的自陈式问卷[1]。PDQ+4则是依据DSM-Ⅳ对PDQ所作的进一步修订,包括107个项目,归为12个领域,分别用于评估DSM-Ⅳ中的12种类型的人格障碍。在1996年由湖南医科大学临床心理研究所主持的中美合作研究课 题-个性与个性障碍研究中,该问卷曾被作为评估各种精神疾病人群的工具之一。本研究将这一问卷用于北京某医科大学的部分医学生,以探讨其在正常人群中的应用价值。
1 研究方法
1.1 对象 北京某医科大学的在校医学本科生和专科生226人,其中男性84人,女性142人,年龄20至24岁,所有入组被试均无精神疾病和慢性躯体疾病史。 1.2 方法 采用PDQ+4自陈式问卷对被试进行团体测试,每20人左右为一组,由主试逐一询问每一项目。
2 结果
2.1 PDQ+4各领域和总分及性别差异 男性和女性两组样本在被动攻击型、自恋型和反社会型三个领域分的差异上有显著性(t检验),其余领域分无性别间的显著性差异(表1)。
表1 PDQ+4各领域分得分(±s)及性别比较
总样本 (n=226) 男性 (n=84) 女性 (n= 142) 偏执型 1.99±[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 自我暴露疗法结合反应预防治疗强迫症 下一个医学论文: 大学生受暗示性的测量及其与人格的关系