用量热法研究水稻线粒体不同条件下的能量释放 |
周培疆1 凌杏元1 周涵韬1 屈松生2 朱英国1
摘要:用精密微热量计(LKB-2277生物活性检测系统)和差示扫描量热(differential scanning calorimetry, DSC)仪(Dupont-910)分别测定了广丛41B水稻线粒体体外能量释放热谱和DSC曲线。探讨了它在恒温和变温条件下能量释放的规律和特性,建立了广丛41B水稻线粒体在不同条件下能量释放的动力学模型,计算了它在能量释放过程中的热力学和动力学参数,并比较了它们之间的差异。结果表明,温度愈低,线粒体能量释放速率愈慢。线粒体在零上低温下放置较长时间后,其放热量增加,能量释放速率加快。
关键词:水稻,线粒体,能量释放,量热,热力学,动力学 学科分类号:Q731
Studies on the Energy Liberation of Rice Mitochondria Under Different Conditions by Means of Calorimetry
ZHOU Pei-Jiang1, LING Xing-Yuan1,ZHOU Han-Tao1, QU Song-Sheng2 and ZHU Ying-Guo1 (1College of Life Sciences, 2College of Chemistry, Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072)
Abstract:This paper reported the thermodynamic and kinetic behaviours of the energy liberation of the mitochondria isolated from Guangchong 41 fertile lines of rice (Oryza sative L.) studied by using an LKB-2277 bioactivity monitor and a Dupont-910 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) & 9900 computer/thermal analyzer system under constant and changing temperature. The thermograms of energy liberation of the rice mitochondria (which had been kept at 0~3℃ for 15h and 40d) were determined respectively at 25 and 30℃ (Figs.l,2), and the difference in shape of the thermograms and thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics were compared. The results indicated that the lower the temperature, the slower the energy liberation rate of the rice mitochondria. Both the heat release and the energy liberation rate of the rice mitochondria increased after the mitochondria had been kept at lower temperature for long time (Tables 1,2). In this work, we also determined the DSC curve of the rice mitochondrial energy liberation under changing temperature (Fig.3), and calculated the thermodynamic and thermodynamic and kinetic characteristic parameters of the rice mitochondrial energy liberation under changing temperature (Tables 3,4). One can use these results to characterize the energy liberation ability of the [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 萌发中花生胚轴的耐干性与热稳定蛋白 下一个医学论文: ANSIE在我国成年人中的应用