萌发中花生胚轴的耐干性与热稳定蛋白 |
黄上志 王冬梅 卢春斌 傅家瑞
关键词:花生种子, 耐干性, 热稳定蛋白,贮藏蛋白 学科分类号:Q945
Heat-stable Proteins and Desiccation Tolerance in Axes of Germinating Peanut Seeds
HUANG Shang-Zhi, WANG Dong-Mei, LU Chun-Bin and FU Jia-Rui (Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275)
Abstract:Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed reached 100% germination at 18 h after imbibition (Fig.1). Peanut axes from seeds undergoing for less than 18 h and subjected to desiccation maintained 100% germinability, but those from seeds imbibing for 24 h had zero germinability (Fig.2). During germination, the content of heat-stable proteins in axes lowered slowly. After 24 h imbibition, the content of heat-stable proteins in axes declined remarkably (Table 1). SDS-PAGE and two dimensional electrophoresis showed that the heat-stable proteins in peanut axes consisted mainly of storage proteins. The degradation of the major subunits of arachin, conarachin I and 2S proteins were related to the loss of desiccation tolerance in germinated peanut axes (Figs.3,4).
Key words: peanut seed, desiccation tolerance, heat-stable protein, storage protein
根据成熟种子对脱水的敏感性,可将种子分成正常性种子和顽拗性种子两大类型。正常性种子的胚或胚轴在发育早期对脱水非常敏感,脱水会引致伤害和死亡。种子发育中后期,胚获得耐干能力,可脱水至含水量5%~10%并长期贮藏,种子萌发后则耐干性丧失(Bartels等 1988)。顽拗性种子发育的全过程中均不存在耐脱水时期,任何时候干燥脱水都会导致死亡。至今为止,种子的耐干机制尚无定论。近年来,对种子耐干机制的研究已从胚或胚轴脱水保护物质如热稳定蛋白、胚胎发生后期富集蛋白(LEA proteins)、热激蛋白和可溶性糖类等方面进行探讨(Blackman等 1991,1992;Obendorf 1997)。 Vertucci 和Farrant (1995) 提出,种子耐干性可能是一种数量性状,与种子贮藏物质(蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物)的积累正相关。胚或胚轴在获得耐干性时已经积累了一定量的包括贮藏蛋白质在内的热稳定蛋白,热稳定蛋白积累与种子耐干性呈正相关的关系(Blackman等1991,Walters等1997,Fu 等1997,Yang等1998)。种子萌发过程中胚或胚轴的耐干性在胚根突破种皮时丧失,种子萌发过程中胚耐干性变化的研究为种子耐干机制的研究提供了线索。本实验对花生种子萌发过程中耐干性和热稳定蛋白的变化进行了探讨。
1 材料与方法
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 羧甲基壳聚糖对玉米籽粒氮代谢关键酶和种子贮藏蛋白含量的影响 下一个医学论文: 用量热法研究水稻线粒体不同条件下的能量释放