我国某县血液筛选后传播艾滋病病毒的残余危险度研究 |
郑锡文 梅志强 王存林 王岚 郭晋 乔晓春 刘爱萍 毛宇嵘
摘 要:目的 了解有偿献血员筛查后仍存在的经输血感染HIV的危险度,评价现有筛查措施的效果及为进一步改进提供科学依据。方法 选择献血员中HIV感染水平中等的某县中心血站,用模型法和回顾法进行了经输血传播HIV的残余危险度研究。结果 该县血站于1995年6月至1998年3月期间检出的19例HIV抗体阳性者中有7例为多次献血员,在近期内输过其血的22例受血者中,找到9例存活者,证实其中1例输血后感染HIV。模型法及回顾法估计该血站筛选合格供血中,HIV感染的残余危险度分别为1/1773~1/28867份血和1/2008~1/2730份血。结论 我国基层血站血液筛选后仍存在残余危险,需采取措施减少残余危险度。 关键词:艾滋病病毒;输血;残余危险度
Residual risk research of HIV infection after blood screening in one county in China
ZHENG Xiwen (National Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Beijing 100050,China) MEI Zhiqiang WANG Cunlin,
Abstract:Objective To estimate the risk of HIV infec tions from blood transfusions, to evaluate existing blood screening measures, and to make recommendations to improve current blood screening practices. Methods Research was conducted in a county blood station. A statistical model and retrospective method were used to analyse the data. Results Between June 1995 and March 1998, 19 blood donors tested positive for HIV antibodies and among them, 7 were repeat blood donors.Twenty-t wo blood recipients were identified from these 7 donors during six months,9 are still alive today, while one patient was infected with HIV from a blood transf usion while undergoing an operation.The residual risk of the blood station usi ng a statistical model and retrospective methods were 1/1773-1/28867 and 1/2008-1/2730 donations respectively. Conclusion The residual risk of HIV after screening in the county blood station was high. We recommend further improvements to current blood screening practices. Key words:HIV;Transfusion;Residual risk▲
残余危险度是指对临床用血的献血员进行HIV抗体筛查后,受血者经输用“合格”的HIV 抗体阴性的血而可能感染HIV的危险度。本研究旨在了解我国基层血站临床用血经HIV抗体筛 查后,可能经输血传播HIV的残余危险度。
一、研究对象 调查对象为1995年6月至1998年3月具有HIV中等感染率的某县中心血站HIV抗体阳性有偿献血员。此血站直接向医院供血,年采血量为150万~200万毫升,有完整、规范的原始记录。 二、研究方法 首次献血员系指在研究期间只献过1次血的献血员;多[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 广西吸毒人群艾滋病病毒感染率调查 下一个医学论文: 24