小鼠白细胞介素 |
成军 柯亨宁 刘妍 斯崇文 王勤环 洪卫国 钟彦伟
摘 要 目的: 克隆小鼠白细胞介素-18(IL-18)编码区的cDNA, 并实现在真核细胞中的表达。方法:用小鼠白细胞介素-18( mIL-18)的cDNA核苷酸序列,设计、合成基因序列特异性引物,应用逆转录多聚酶链反应RT -PCR,以植物血凝(PHA)和细菌脂多糖(LPS)刺激的小鼠非粘附性脾细胞的mRNA为模板,扩 增获得全长mIL-1 8,转染小鼠成纤维细胞系SVT2,并进行IL-18生物学活性的检测。结果:经测序证实获得的 小鼠IL-18的cDNA序列与文献报道的mIL-18的cDNA序列完全一致。构建的小鼠IL-18的重 组表达载体在转染小鼠成纤维细胞SVT2后,获得具有生物学活性mIL-18的分泌表达。结论:克隆了小鼠IL-18的cDNA,并实现了在真核细胞中的表达。 关键词 白细胞介素-18 逆转录多聚酶链反应 cDNA 基因克隆化 基因表达 中国图书分类号 R392.11
cDNA cloning and expression in murine fibrobla st cell line SVT2 of murine interleukin-18
CHENG Jun KE Heng-Ning LIU Yan (Gene Therapy Research Center , The Institute of Infectious Diseases, The 302 Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100039)
Abstract Objective:To clone murine interleukin -18 cDNA and express it by transfe ction of murine fibroblast SVT2. Methods:According to the previously reported nuc leic acid sequence of murine interleukin-18(mIL-18) cDNA, specific primers f or mIL-18 have been designed and synthesized. Using total RNA from nonadherent spl enocytes stimulated with PHA and LPS as the template, mIL-18 cDNA was amplified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). The mIL-18 eukaryo tic expression vector was constructed by subcloning this cDNA fragment into pcDN A3 at EcoRI/XbaI restriction sites, and use the recombinat vector to transfect m urine fibroblast cell line SVT2, secreted mIL-18 level was determined. Results:S equence analysis indicated that this cDNA is 100% homology tothe published mIL- 18 cDNA sepuence, and found biological mIL-18 expressed in the supernatants of the transfected cells.Conclusion: We have cloned murine I L-18 cDNA and exqressed it by murine fibroblast SVT2. Key words Interleukin-18 RT-PCR cDNA Gene cl oning Gene expression
细胞因子网络中的新成员白细胞介素(IL-18,interleukin-18),又称为 干扰素γ诱导因 子(interferon γ-inducing factor IGIF)是Okamura等在研究丙酸杆菌(Propiontibacter ium acnes,P.acnes)感染引起的小鼠内毒素休克时发现[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人类疱疹病毒6 7型体外感染淋巴细胞对CD抗原表达的影响 下一个医学论文: 抗HBsAg人IgG表达载体的构建及其在CHO细胞中的表达