APA微囊对免疫细胞和细胞因子隔离效应的研究 |
李崇辉 薛毅珑 罗芸 李新建 李雁凌 刘成贵 潘长玉
摘 要 目的:测定海藻酸钠-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸钠(APA)微 囊对免疫细胞和细胞因 子的隔离效应。方法:将NK细胞和IL-2、TNF-α的活性测定方法用 于微囊免疫隔离效果的评价。结果:NK细胞对微囊化K562靶细胞的细胞 毒实验表明,微囊可有效地 保护囊内细胞不受NK细胞的杀伤作用;IL-2 (15.4 kD)和TNF-α (51 kD)可通过微囊 膜进 入囊内,并分别支持囊内IL-2依赖细胞的生存以及对微囊内的L929靶细胞发挥杀伤作用。 结 论:APA微囊可有效地隔离细胞免疫排斥反应,但某些细胞因子可通过微囊膜,成 为影响微囊化细胞在宿主体内生存的可能因素。 关键词 微囊 免疫隔离 细胞因子 中国图书分类号 R392
Study of the isolating effects of APA microcapsules to immune cells and cytokines
LI Chong-Hui XUE Yi-Long LUO Yun (Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853)
Abstract Objective:The isolating effects of algi nate-polylysine-alginate ( APA) microcapsules to immune cells and cytokines were measured. Metho ds:The methods of measuring the activities of NK cells and IL-2,TNF -α were used to evaluate the isolating effects of APA microcapsules. Results:By performing the cytotoxicity test of NK cells on microencapsu lated K562 t arget cells,it was showed that the microcapsules could protect the encapsulated K562 cells from the cytotoxic effect of NK cells. By crossing the microcapsule m embrane IL-2 (15.4 kD) and TNF-α (51 kD) could diffuse into the microcapsule s, and then sustain the survival of IL-2 dependent cells and perform destructive e ffect on L929 target cells within the microcapsules, respectively. Co nclusion:A PA microcapsules were able to efficiently isolate the occurrence of cellular imm une rejection; but some cytokines were able to diffuse into the microcapsules, t his may be an possible factor in affecting the survival of microencapsulated cel ls in the recipients. Key words Microcapsules Immunoisolation Cytokines
免疫隔离的细胞移植技术,为人类克服细胞移植中的免疫排斥反应和细胞来源缺乏问题 提供了一条有希望的途径。许多研究已表明由海藻酸钠-多聚赖氨酸-海藻酸钠(APA)构 成 的微囊,由于具有制作简便、体积小、生物相容性好等优点而成为应用前景较好的免疫隔离 工具之一[1,2]。我们实验室以APA微囊化异种细胞移植治疗糖尿病和 帕金森氏病的研 究结果也显示[3,4],我们制作的APA微囊可明显延长微囊化细胞在异种宿主体内存活和 发挥功能的时间。为了确切了解该微囊发挥免疫隔离作用并支持囊内细胞[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 抗人肝癌免疫毫微粒的制备及体外免疫学性质的鉴定 下一个医学论文: 全脑缺血再灌注大鼠小脑NGF BDNF的表达