广西肝癌患者乙型肝炎病毒前C区基因的突变 |
方钟燎 何并文 庄辉 Ling Ring Tim J Harrison
摘 要:目的 了解乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)前C区基因突变与HBeAg阴性的原发性肝癌患者HBV感染的关系。方法 应用套式PCR方法对广西16例原发性肝癌患者血清HBV DNA前C区进行扩增,对阳性者用Sanger DNA测序法分析。结果 16例肝癌患者中有14例HBV DNA阳性,阳性率为87.5%(14/16)。其中1例HBeAg阳性,1例虽然HBeAg为阴性,但其前C区序列正常;2例为HBV野毒株和突变株混合感染;其余8例为HBV突变株感染。该8例中,仅第4、5、12例的第28密码为终止密码, 有1例为HBV终止密码株和无终止密码突变株混合感染。结论 经典的1 896位核苷酸点突变株感染在广西原发性肝癌患者中并不常见,提示可能存在前C区以外的基因突变,并导致HBeAg阴性的HBV感染。 关键词 肝炎病毒,乙型;基因;突变;肝肿瘤
Mutation of hepatitis B virus DNA pre-C region in patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma in Guangxi
FANG Zhongliao, HE Bingwen, ZHUANG Hui, et al. Sanitation and Anti-epidemic Station of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530021, China
Abstract:Objective To study the association between mutation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) pre-C gene and HBV infection in patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) but negative hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) in Guangxi Province, China. Methods Nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) was used for amplification of HBV DNA Pre C region in sera collected from 16 patients with PHC in Guangxi, and then their HBV DNA nPCR products were sequenced by Sanger method. Results Sera in fourteen of 16 patients showed positive HBV DNA, with a positive proportion of 87.5% (14/16). One (C23) of them was positive for HBeAg; one (C24) was negative HBeAg, but with normal sequence in his Pre C region; two (C7, C14) were co-infected with HBV wild and mutant strains; and the remainder eight cases (C3、 C4、 C5、 C8、 C10、 C11、 C12、 C13) were infected with mutant virus strains, but stop codon at codon 28 was only found in C4, C5 and C12. One case (C8) was co-infected with both HBV stop codon mutant and non-stop codon strains. Conclusion It is uncommon for patients with PHC in Guangxi infected with HBV mutant strain with classical mutation at nt 1 896, which suggests that maybe there exist other types of mutation other than that in pre-C region causing HBV infection[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 孕期医源性B超辐照对生殖结局的影响 下一个医学论文: 非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病的遗传流行病学研究