孕期医源性B超辐照对生殖结局的影响 |
符绍莲 保毓书 张敬旭 胡永华 王晓莉 张帆
摘 要:目的 研究妇女孕期接受B超检查对其生殖结局(包括妊娠结局及新生儿情况)有无不良影响。方法 应用生殖流行病学研究方法,根据北京市8所医院1992年5月~1993年4月分娩的12 224例初产妇的问卷调查资料及产科记录,获取有关生殖结局和孕期接受B超检查情况的资料,按孕期B超检查次数及首次B超检查时孕周,经logistic回归分析,调整了孕时年龄、孕期吸烟、饮酒和自然流产史潜在混杂因素,对生殖结局进行分析。结果 孕期接受B超检查2、3及≥4次组分别与1次组比较,B超检查≥4次组与≤3次组比较,首次B超检查孕周在8周前与8周后或12周前与12周后比较,各组生殖结局差异无显著性。结论 妇女孕期接受诊断剂量的B超检查对妊娠结局及胎儿生长发育未见不良影响。 关键词:妊娠;超声检查,产前;妊娠结局;婴儿,新生
Effects of B-ultrasonic radiation during pregnancy on reproductive outcome
FU Shaolian, BAO Yushu, ZHANG Jingxu, et al. Department of Maternal and Child Health, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:Objective To study the effects of B-ultrasonic scanning during pregnancy on reproductive outcome, including pregnant outcome and neonatal status. Methods Data of reproductive outcome and B-ultrasonic examination were extracted from the questionnaires and obstetric records of 12 224 primigravidas in eight hospitals of Beijing during May 1992 to April 1993. Their reproductive outcomes were analyzed according to frequency and gestational weeks they had B-ultrasonic examination taken, adjusted for potential confounding factors, such as age at pregnancy, smoking and drinking during pregnant period and history of spontaneous abortion, by logistic regression. Results There was no statistically significant difference in reproductive outcomes between groups, who had B-ultrasonic examination taken for two, three and four times or more and who had only once, respectively, who had more than four times and who had less than three times, and who had their first examination before and after the eighth week of gestation, or before and after the 12th week of gestation. Conclusion No adverse reproductive outcome due to exposure to diagnostic dose of B-ultrasound radiation during pregnancy has been found. Key words:Pregnancy;Ultrasonography, prenatal;Pregnancy outcome;Infant, newborn
目前B超检查技[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 黄绿色蔬菜对儿童血清类胡萝卜素水平的影响 下一个医学论文: 广西肝癌患者乙型肝炎病毒前C区基因的突变