上海市婴幼儿血铅水平与体格发育的关系 |
颜崇淮 沈晓明 章依文 吴胜虎 何稼敏 周建德 章 煜 敖黎明 吴圣楣 郭 迪
摘要 目的 探讨低水平铅暴露对儿童体格发育的影响。方法 在上海市5个区县30所托幼机构,对1 969名儿童进行了血铅水平的流行病学调查和体格发育等指标测量,并根据儿童身高、体重、头围和胸围计算其Z标准分,然后与血铅水平进行相关分析和逐步回归分析。结果 上海市儿童血铅水平几何均数为0.400 μmol/L,≥0.483 μmol/L的比例为37.8%,血铅水平的几何均数与儿童身高、体重及头围的Z标准分呈显著的负相关。结论 低水平铅暴露对上海市婴幼儿的体格发育可能具有不利影响。 关键词 儿童 铅中毒 身高 体重
A Study on Relationship between Blood Lead Level and Physical Growth and Development of Babies and Young Children in Shanghai
YAN Chonghuai, SHEN Xiaoming, ZHANG Yiwen, et al. Shanghai Institute for Pediatrics Research, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200092
Abstract Objective To study the effects of low level lead exposure on physical growth and development in young children. Methods Blood lead level and indicators for physical growth and development, such as body height and weight, and head and chest circumferences were measured in randomly sampled 1 969 children aged 1-6 years in Shanghai. Z scores for these indicators were calculated for each of them based on their age and sex-specific norms for children in urban and suburban Shanghai. And, regression analysis of blood lead level was conducted on them. Results Geometric mean of blood lead level was 0.400 μmol/L in young children of Shanghai, and 744 (37.8%) of 1 969 children were equal to or higher than 0.483 μmol/L. Geometric mean of blood lead level correlated in reverse to the Z scores for their body height, weight and head circumference, even if adjusted for the potential confounding factors. Conclusion Low level lead exposure could cause adverse effects on their physical growth and development in young children of Shanghai. Key words Child Lead poisoning Body height Body weight
对象与方法 1.对象:根据污染程度和地理位置的代表性,选择上海市杨浦区(工业区)、静安区和徐汇区(普通市[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 幼儿园环境中铅含量对儿童血铅值的影响 下一个医学论文: 铅中毒对小鼠颌下腺神经生长因子基因表达的影响