幼儿园环境中铅含量对儿童血铅值的影响 |
高万珍 李竹 王振刚 王耐芬 赵秀琴 陈雅芬
摘要 目的 探讨幼儿园环境是否对儿童铅暴露产生影响。方法 采集、测定幼儿园环境样品中铅含量,同时采集、测定儿童的手尘铅和血铅浓度,分析环境铅和血铅的相关关系。铅测定方法为原子吸收法。结果 19所幼儿园室内地面尘、脱落漆皮、室内降尘、室外地面尘、土壤和自来水铅含量的几何均数分别为86.5 μg/m2、235.5 μg/g、445.9 μg/g、172.4 μg/m2、70.1 μg/g及12.5 μg/L。儿童双手尘铅的平均值为3.4 μg。相关分析结果提示血铅与室外地面尘铅、儿童手尘铅呈正相关。多因素分析显示手尘铅被引入血铅的回归方程,而且其标准化回归系数最大,达0.384 2,其偏回归系数为0.201 8。结论 幼儿园的环境卫生状况直接影响着儿童铅的摄入水平。因此有必要对儿童进行健康教育,使其养成勤洗手的卫生习惯,克服吮吸手指的不良行为。 关键词 儿童 铅中毒
Effects of Environmental Lead Exposure in Kindergartens on Children′s Blood Lead Level
GAO Wanzhen*, LI Zhu, WANG Zhengang, et al. *National Center for Maternal and Infant Health, Beijing Medical University, Beijing, 100083
Abstract Objective To determine if kindergartens′ environmental status can influence children′s lead exposure. Methods Environmental specimens, such as floor dust, peeled-off paint chip, soil and drinking water, as well as children′s hand dust and blood samples, were collected and measured for their lead levels in 19 kindergartens, to analyze the relationship between children′s blood lead levels and their environmental lead exposure. Results Geometric means of lead concentrations in indoor floor dust, peeled-off paint chip, dust fallout, outdoor floor dust, soil and drinking water were 86.5 μg/m2, 235.5 μg/g, 445.9 μg/g, 172.4 μg/m2, 70.1 μg/g and 12.5 μg/L, respectively. Lead level on children's hands averaged 3.4 μg at both hands. Blood lead levels in children correlated positively with the lead concentrations of outdoor floor dust and their hand dust, with correlation coefficients of 0.518 6 and 0.220 6, respectively. Multiple regression analysis showed that hand dust lead level in children entered the regression model with a largest standardized partial regression coefficient of 0.384 2 and a coefficient of determination of 0.673 for the full equation with F=6.52 and P<0.01. Conclusion Sta[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 铅中毒筛选指标的再评价 下一个医学论文: 上海市婴幼儿血铅水平与体格发育的关系