857名学童智力影响因素分析 |
陈佩珍 陈 峰
摘要 目的 研究影响儿童智力的主要环境因素。方法 测定了857名小学1~6年级学生的智商,划分成4个等级;有关环境因素经问卷调查收集;采用有序结果logistic回归分析方法,对各因素逐一进行一元及多元回归分析。结果 单因素分析显示27项因素差异有显著性;再经多因素逐步回归分析,父母文化程度、婴儿期喂养方式、幼时家教、3岁前营养、是否单亲家庭及平均学业成绩等6项因素作为重要变量进入了回归模型。结论 儿童智力发育受到众多因素的影响,而良好的后天环境因素(尤其是早期营养、家庭背景及教育等)有利于促进儿童智力的发育,提高其智能水平。 关键词 儿童 智力 Logistic模型
A Study on Factors Contributing to Intelligence in 857 Children
CHEN Peizhen, CHEN Feng Department of Public Health, Nantong Medical College, Nantong, Jiangsu 226001
Abstract Objective To study the main environmental factors affecting intelligence of children. Methods Intelligence quotients (IQ) were examined in 857 pupils of grades 1 to 6 in a primary school and categorized into four different classes. Data of relevant environmental factors were collected with questionnaires. Uni-variate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the factors influencing their IQ. Results There were 27 factors with statistical significance in uni-variable analysis. And, then they were analyzed with stepwise logistic regression method. Six variables, i.e., parents′ education level, breast feeding during infancy, early education at home, nutritional status before three year
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