肾综合征出血热 型灭活疫苗接种和对照人群隐性感染的比较 |
阮玉华 徐校平 邵守坤 童政 翁寿清 周卫群 顾惠心 朱智勇 徐志一
摘要 目的 比较肾综合征出血热Ⅰ型灭活疫苗接种组和对照组人群隐性感染率,了解肾综合征出血热Ⅰ型灭活疫苗对发生隐性感染有无增强作用。方法 1994年7月~1997年11月在建德市肾综合征出血热Ⅰ型灭活疫苗随机对照试验现场,采集接种组和对照组双份血清各401和360人份,检测间接荧光抗体。分别按对照组免疫前间接荧光抗体阳性和阴性的第2份血清间接荧光抗体滴度分布情况确定cut-off值,由此判断免疫前间接荧光抗体阳性和阴性这两组人群发生隐性感染情况。结果 采用不同的cut-off值来比较接种组和对照组免疫前间接荧光抗体阳性人群的隐性感染率,差异无显著性。在免疫前抗体阴性的接种组和对照组中,对照组隐性感染率为7.62%,按cut-off值为1∶160和1∶320,接种组人群隐性感染率分别是2.17%和1.63%,与对照组隐性感染率比较差异有显著性;按cut-off值为1∶20和1∶40,接种组隐性感染率分别是11.38%和6.78%,同对照组隐性感染率差异无显著性。结论 未见肾综合征出血热Ⅰ型灭活疫苗对接种人群隐性感染的发生有增强作用。 关键词 肾综合征性出血热 疫苗,灭活 接种 免疫性
Comparison of Subclinical Infection Rates between Vaccinated Group with Type Ⅰ Inactivated Vaccine against Hemorrhagic Fever and Controls
RUAN Yuhua*, XU Xiaoping, SHAO Shoukun, et al. *Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032
Abstract Objective To compare subclinical infection rate in the vaccinated group with type Ⅰ inactivated vaccine against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) with that in the controls and to understand its enhancement. Methods A trial field was selected in Jiande County, Zhejiang Province during July 1974 to November 1997. Paired-sera before and after vaccination were collected from 401 vaccinee and 360 controls, respectively. Serum titer of indirect immunofluorescent IgG antibody (IFAT) against HFRS was detected for each of them, and its cut-off value depended on the distribution of serum antibody titer in the second determination in the controls, which could be used to evaluate subclinical infection before vaccination. Results There was no significant difference in subclinical infection between those with positive and negative IFAT before vaccination, with different cut-off values for identifying subclinical infection. In both vaccinated and control groups with negative IFA before vaccination, subclinical infection rate was 7.62% in the controls, and 2.17% and 1.63% in the vaccinated ones, with cut-o[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 福建省1998年肺结核病例发现与化疗管理分析 下一个医学论文: 塑料大棚环境下生长的蔬菜营养成分及有害物分析