社区老年人认知功能的动态变化 |
张新凯 李春波 张明园
【摘要】目的:分析正常老化与痴呆的认知功能衰退模式。方法:以队列设计对同一批社区老人在10年内(1987~1997),每隔5年进行一次MMSE检查。本次分析的样本为第一次(1987)和第二次(1992)调查均无痴呆证据,且完成第三次检查者,以1997年的诊断分为痴呆组(124例,DSM-Ⅲ-R)与无痴呆组(1079例),分析两组三次调查及前5年(1987~1992)、后5年(1992~1997)和10年(1987~1997)间的MMSE总分 及其变化情况。结果:无痴呆组老人认知功能减退轻微,10年中MMSE平均下降1.52分,痴呆组认知功能减退极显著;年龄、性别、教育程度影响老人的MMSE成 绩;痴呆组在未发生痴呆前便存在低认知功能倾向。结论:痴呆老人MMSE分数变化前后5年及10年间均显著高于无痴呆老人,提示正常老化与痴呆的认知功能衰退模式不同。 【关键词】社区老人;认知功能;痴呆 中图分类号:G449.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3611(2000)03 -0129-04
Dynamic Changing of Cognitive Function of Community Elderly People
ZHANG Xin-kai,LI Chun-bo,ZHANG Ming-yuan (Shanghai Mental Health Center,Shanghai 200030,China)
【Abstract】Objective:To examine patterns of cognitive d eterioration associated with normal aging and dementia.Methods: Using a cohort design,we assessed the same community sample of elderly by a Chinese version of Mini-Mental Status Exa mination (MMSE) at 5-year intervals over a period of 10 years from 1987 to 1997.The subjects in this study were those who were diagnosed as non-dementia in the first and second surveys in 1987 and 1992,according to the DSM-Ⅲ-R criteria.All subjects were divided into dementia group (n=124) and non-dementia group (n= 1 079 cases) according to the diagnosis of the last survey in 1997.Total MMSE s c ores were compared between the two groups for the first 5 years (1987~1992),se c ond 5 years (1992~1997),and the first 10 years (1987-1997).Results : While the MMSE scores showed very limited decline in cognitive functions for the non-deme ntia group; there was marked deterioration in cognitive functions for the dement ia group.The MMSE scores were affected by a range of demographic factors inclu ding gender and levels of education.It was also found that the dementia group tended to have lower premorbid levels of cognitive functioning.Conc lusion: Sig nificant group differences in MMSE scores across the assessment intervals sugges ted diffe[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 野慈姑自然群体异交率的定量估测 下一个医学论文: Alzheimer型痴呆临床量表检查与MRI边缘系统体积测量的相关研究