北京市41 47岁人群出生时发育指标与成年期糖耐量减低的关系 |
米杰 Law CM 张孔来 Barker DJP 刘善英 Osmond C 徐红健 沈宜 柳军 徐永芳
【摘要】 目的 探讨中国人群中是否存在低出生指标与成年期非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病(NIDDM)和糖耐量减低(IGT)的联系。方法 对1948年7月~1954年底在北京协和医院出生的628名单生子进行追访调查,摘录出生记录,并进行身体测量和标准口服葡萄糖耐量试验。结果 NIDDM和IGT患病率随出生体重、出生体重指数(ponderal index,PI)和头围测量值的上升而下降。出生消瘦(PI<24 kg/m3) 伴成年肥胖(BMI≥75百分位值)组患病率最高(43.8%);出生时脂肪较多(PI≥28 kg/m3)且成年消瘦(BMI<25百分位值)组患病率最低(8.3%)。母亲孕早、晚期BMI与子女成年期糖负荷后2小时血糖浓度呈负相关。此外,出生体重、PI和头围还与空腹和糖负荷后2小时血浆胰岛素、32-33裂解胰岛素原水平呈负相关。对调查对象目前的BMI、生活习惯和经济水平进行调整后,上述出生指标与成年期糖耐量和胰岛素间的联系依然存在。结论 中国人群中存在低出生指标与成年期NIDDM和IGT的联系,其机制可能是通过母亲孕前低BMI导致胎儿营养不良,产生胰岛素抵抗的途径。出生消瘦与成年期肥胖间的协同作用决定NIDDM和IGT的患病率。 【关键词】 出生体重 葡萄糖耐受不良 随访研究
Association of Body Size at Birth with Impaired Glucose Tolerance during Their Adulthood for Men and Women Aged 41 to 47 Years in Beijing of China
MI Jie*,Law CM,ZHANG Konglai, et al.
* Department of Epidemiology,Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100005
【Abstract】 Objective To explore if there was relationship between small body size at birth and type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance(IGT)during adulthood in China.Methods Six hundred and twenty-eight singletons born in the Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing during July 1948 to the end of 1954 were followed-up and their medical records at birth were abstracted.Anthropometry and standard oral glucose tolerance test were carried out for all of them.Plasma insulin level was measured with radioimmunoassay for them.Results Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and IGT decreased with the increase in their birth weight,Ponderal index(PI)and head circumference at birth(for trend test,χ2=6.7,P=0.01;χ2=4.8,P=0.03;and χ2=5.8,P=0.02;respectively),with the highest of 43.8% in those with thin body size (PI<24 kg/m3)at birth and obesity (BMI<75 percentile)during adulthood,and the lowest of 8.3% in those with more fat at birth(PI≥28 kg/m3)and keeping relatively thin (BMI<25th percentile)during adulthood.[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 不同饲料构成对大鼠肥胖基因表达产物 瘦素的影响 下一个医学论文: 型糖尿病的家庭聚集性研究