M16添加牛磺酸和EDTA支持昆明白小鼠体外受精并发育至囊胚 |
王敏康 刘冀珑 李光鹏 廉莉 江一平 张田 陈大元
摘 要:在以往研究工作的基础上证明了通过添加2.5mmol/L的牛磺酸和0.1mmol/L的EDTA至M16培养液中,可支持昆明白小鼠的体外受精(IVF),并支持受精卵突破2-细胞阻滞发育至囊胚期。本研究进一步证明了牛磺酸和EDTA在昆明小鼠早期胚胎发育和克服2-细胞阻滞中起关键作用。 关键词:昆明鼠;体外受精;2-细胞阻滞;牛磺酸;EDTA 中图分类号:Q344.+5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(2000)05-0301-02
M16 Added with Taurine and EDTA Can Support the IVF and in vitro Development to Blastocyst of Kunming Strain Mouse
WANG Min-kang (National Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology,Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100080,China; Department of Life Science,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming,650092,China) LIU Ji-long,LI Guang-peng,LIAN Li,CHEN Da-yuan (National Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology,Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100080,China) ZHANG Tian (Department of Life Science,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming,650092,China) JIANG Yi-ping (School of basic medicine,Fujiang Medical University,Fuzhou,350004,China)
Abstract:The results of our early experiments show that the 2-cell block can be overcome by culturing zygote in modified M16 ,modified CZB and TE medium.Our research shows that the taurine and EDTA play key role in overcoming 2-cell block in Kunming mouse.The results show that the addition of taurine and EDTA to M16 medium can support the IVF and develoment to blastocyst in vitro in Kunming strain mice.This is the first report that M16 medium added with taurine and EDTA can be used in both IVF and culture medium to overcome the 2-cell block of embryo development in Kunming strain mouse. Key words:Kunming strain mouse;IVF;2-cell block;taurine;EDTA
昆明白小鼠是国内研究工作最为广泛使用的实验动物之一,已被用于各方面的研究。但其早期胚胎发育中也存在典型的2-细胞阻滞现象[1],给有关的胚胎学工作带来一定的困难。已有报道表明,为克服2-细胞阻滞须添加输卵管上皮[2],一般在CZB中仅能达到桑椹胚期,经换液及与输卵管上皮共培养后才能达到囊胚期[3]。我们也对此进行了研究,结果表明,在M16[4]及CZB[5]培养液基础上,加减几种成分得到的改进培养液M16(用mM16表示)和改进的CZB培养液(用mCZB 表示)均能有效克服2-细胞阻滞现象。通过比较分析我们认为牛磺酸对克服昆明白小鼠胚胎2-细胞阻滞起关键作用[6]。本研究进一步[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 昆明山海棠诱导人白血病细胞HPRT基因突变的研究 下一个医学论文: 动物模型BLUP法评定内蒙古白绒山羊的遗传趋势