血清学标志阴性的非甲 戊型肝炎的病原学研究 |
王佑春 庄辉 张华远 R Ling 李倬 毛群颍 吴晓音 TJ Harrison 李河民
【 摘要 】 目的 对血清学标志阴性的非甲~戊型肝炎进行病原学研究。 方法 用HBV PCR、HCV RT-PCR和HEV RT-PCR分别检测血清学标志阴性的非甲~戊型肝炎患者血清,并对其部分阳性产物进行克隆测序。 结果 87例非甲~戊型肝炎血清HBV DNA均为阴性,9例(10.3%)为HCV RNA 阳性,部分经测序证实为HCV 1b亚型;余78例为HBV DNA和HCV RNA均阴性。该78例中,14例因无血清未作HEV RNA检测,余64例中49例(76.6%)为HEV RNA阴性,15例(23.4%)为HEV RNA 阳性。经序列分析显示,其中9例为典型的中国HEV株基因序列,6例变异较大,与典型的中国株基因序列的同源性仅为80%左右。49例HBV DNA、HCV RNA 和HEV RNA均阴性的血清中16例(32.6%)HGV RNA阳性。由此可见,该87例中至少有9例为HCV感染,15例为HEV感染,16例为HGV感染。 结论 对血清学标志阴性的非甲~戊型肝炎的病人应该用PCR法进行病原学分型,以明确其诊断。 【 主题词 】 肝炎病毒,庚型 肝炎病毒,乙型 肝炎病毒,丙型 肝炎病毒,戊型 非甲~戊型肝炎
Studies on the etiology of patients with serologically negative non A~E hepatitis WANG Youchun,ZHUANG Hui,ZHANG Huayuan, et al.National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products, Beijing 100050 【 Abstract 】 Objective To study the etiology of serologically negative non A~E hepatitis . Methods The sera from serologically negative non A~E hepatitis patients were tested for HBV DNA,HCV RNA, HEV RNA and HGV RNA with PCR method and some PCR positive products were cloned and sequenced. Results Nine of them (10.3%) were positive for HCV RNA. 64 sera with negative HBV DNA and HCV RNA were tested for HEV RNA.15 of them(23.4%)were HEV RNA positive. Nine of the 15 HEV sequences have 95% homology and the remaining 6 have only 80% homology as compared with the Chinese HEV strain at the nucleotide level. Of 49 sera negative for HBV DNA,HCV RNA and HEV RNA, 16 were HGV RNA positive (32.6%) by RT-nPCR suggesting that the patients were infected with HGV. Conclusion The data suggest that the patients with serologically negative non A~E hepatitis have a different etiology and should be tested by PCR to identify the disease. 【 Subject words 】 Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis E virus Hepatitis G virus non-A-E hepatitis
国内外文献报道,在急性散发性病毒性肝炎中,非甲~戊型肝炎约有(10~20)%。为探讨非甲~戊型肝炎的病原,我们对87例血清学标志阴性的非甲~戊型肝炎进行了病原学研究,现将结果报告[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人乳头瘤病毒16型 湖北株 E7基因逆转录病毒重组体的构建及在真核细胞中表达 下一个医学论文: 肾综合征出血热病人恢复期血清对汉滩病毒感染体外培养神经元的保护作用