洁康手术消毒剂杀菌性能和毒性观察 |
胡国庆 赖燕菲 魏兰芬 林军明 张峰
【摘要】 目的 为了解洁康手术消毒剂的杀菌活性和使用安全性。方法 按照1997年卫生部“消毒技术规范”(试行)版规定的方法,对其杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和手部自然菌进行了实验室和现场试验。结果 含醋酸氯己啶80mg/L样液作用1min,对悬液中大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的平均杀灭率达99.99%,作用3min均达100%。样品原液作用3min对手指皮肤表面污染的大肠杆菌的平均灭除率为99.98%,对自然菌的平均灭除率为98.21%,且消毒后均达到《医院消毒卫生标准》中Ⅰ、Ⅱ类环境医护人员手细菌菌落总数卫生标准要求。样品经54℃恒温存放14天,醋酸氯己啶的降解率为2.54%,毒性检测结果表明无毒、对皮肤无刺激。和碘伏外科洗手消毒比较结果表明,其外科洗手消毒效果优于碘伏。结论 在使用浓度和作用时间下,可有效杀灭细菌,且手部皮肤表面残留菌数达到医院Ⅰ、Ⅱ类环境医护人员手细菌总数卫生标准要求。 【关键词】 醋酸氯己啶 杀菌效果 外科洗手消毒
Laboratory observation on germicidal efficacy and toxicity of disinfectant Jiekang
HU Guoqing,LAI Yanfei,WEI Lanfen,et al.
Zhejiang Provincial Health and Anti-epidemic Station, Hangzhou 310009
【Abstract】 Objective To reveal the germicidal vitality and safety in use of surgial disinfectant Jiekang, a compound disinfectant containing 0.8% chlorhexidine diacetate and non-ionic surfactant.Method Following the standards of disinfective technique published by the Ministry of Public Health in 1997, experiments on observing the germicidal vitalitree of surgical disinfectant Jiekang, regarding killing Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli and natural bacteria both in laboratory and in the fields. Results Its diluted solution containing 80mg/L chlorhexidine diacetate could kill 99.99% of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in 1 minute and 100% in 3 minutes. The average killing rate of its stock solution on E.coli and the natural bacteria on the skin of fingers were 99.98% and 98.21% respectively in 3 minutes . The total bacteria counts on hands after disinfection fulfilled the requirments of “ Hygienic standard for disinfection in hospitals” set by the Ministry of Health. The degrading rate of chlorhexidine diacetate was 2.54% after storing for 14 days at 54℃. The disinfectant showed no toxicity and no irritation to skin. It also showed better results than iodophor in the experiments on surgical hand washing. Conclusio[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 不同厂家的生成机制备的酸化电位水对微生物杀灭效果的研究 下一个医学论文: 氧化电位水对胃镜消毒效果的临床观察