国产与进口头孢哌酮的药物经济学研究 |
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【摘要】 目的 对国产与进口头孢哌酮进行药物经济研究。方法 高效液相色谱法测定两药的人体药代动力学参数,临床观察两药治疗肺部感染患者的疗效、细菌清除、药物不良反应及治疗费用。应用成本-效果分析法分析成本效果比。结果 两药的体内药代动力学过程基本一致,临床有效率、细菌清除和不良反应的差异不明显,两药的成本效果比及治疗费用差别显著。结论国产头孢哌酮的作用与进口头孢哌酮无明显差异,但在成本和价格上有显著优势。 【关键词】 头孢哌酮 药物经济学 药代动力学
Study on the pharmacoeconomics between imported and domestic cefoperazone
ZHANG Xinhong, ZHONG Guanglin, PEI Baoxiang, et al.
The Department of Pharmacy , 301 Hospital,Beijing 100853
【Abstract】 Objective By evaluating the pharmacokinetics and clinical therapeutic effectiveness, ADRs and clinical expenses, both Imported and Domestic Cefoperazone were compared. Methods Clinical therapeutic effectiveness, abnormal drug reaction (ADR) and clinical expenses of imported Cefoperazone were compared with that of domestic product. Both of the two drugs' pharmacokinetics were also studied by HPLC. Result Both products did not show significant differences in pharmacokinetics, therapeutic effectiveness and bactericidal power. However, the domestic product had more ADR than the imported ones and the clinical expenses of domestic Cefoperazone was significantly lower than the imported ones. Conclusion It is a safe, rational, economic choice to replace the imported Cefoperazone with the domestic product. 【Key words】 Cefoperazone Pharmacoeconomics Pharmacokinetics
资料与方法 一、药品与试剂:头孢哌酮供试品为太原制药厂生产,批号940316、931107。对照品为美国PFIZER公司出品,批号65835010、45835007。CPZ标准品:中国药品生物制品检定所,批号420-9402。内标物:非那西丁标准品,购自SIGMA公司。药代动力学(简称药动学)所用试剂均为分析纯。 HPLC条件:采用C18色谱柱,流动相为乙腈:磷酸二氢钾(1∶5,V∶V),流速为1.0ml/min,紫外检测波长254nm,用峰高比定量。两组动力学参数用t检验作统计处理。 二、药代动力学受试者选择:健康男性6名,年龄(24.83±[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 型糖尿病家族聚集性的流行病学研究 下一个医学论文: 血浆置换患者TT病毒感染的观察