布鲁氏菌属内S型和R型菌种在动物体内干扰的研究 |
汪华 还锡萍 强福林 熊海平 王彩生 陈杰 陈智高 李德庆 李兰玉
【摘要】 目的 通过对布鲁氏菌属内S型与R型菌种在小鼠和犬体内相互作用的研究,弄清我国布病防治中某些流行病学现象的机理。方法 将特定浓度的S型菌悬液分别与R型菌液混合后注射于小白鼠和犬体内,20~25天后解剖取小鼠局部淋巴结、肝、脾及犬脾进行培养、分离及鉴定。结果 在小鼠试验中,各种S型布氏菌均明显地干扰了R型犬种菌的生存。但在犬体内进行的研究表明,104M菌被RM6/66菌干扰;Rev-1菌与RM6/66菌则或相互干扰,或相互平衡。S2在与RM6/66相同菌量情况下,两者可以共存,以S2稍占优势,呈互不干扰、相互共处之态。结论 研究结果能合理解释S型布病疫区内很难分离到R型布氏菌的流行病学现象,并阐明其流行病学意义。同时提示人们,当某地布病流行的优势菌被控制后,很可能出现新的优势种的布氏菌传播、流行。 【关键词】 布鲁氏菌 抗原干扰
A study on the interference between smooth and rough species of Brucella in mice and dogs
WANG Hua,HUAN Xiping,QIANG Fulin,et al.
Jiangsu Health and Anti-Epidemic Center,Nanjing 210009
【Abstract】 Objective To find out the epidemiological phenomenon in the process of brucellosis control, a study was carried out. Methods Smooth-B.abortus 104M,B.melitensis Rev-1 and B.suis mixed with Rough-B.canis RM6/66 were injected to mice and dogs respectively. After 20-25 days the spleen, liver, lymphonodus of these animals were cultivated for culture and identification of bacteria. Results In mice, smooth Brucelleae interfered the growth of the rough ones. But in dogs, the situation was different: 104M was disturbed by RM6/66, Rev-1 and RM6/66 played even while S2 co-existing with RM6/66. Conclusion For the first time this study rationally explained the reason why rough Brucelleae could not be isolated in epidemic focus of brucellosis with smooth species. It also pointed out that when dominate species were controlled in epidemic focus areas, there might occur new transmission and prevalence of new species of Brucelleae. 【Key words】 Brucella Interference of antigens
多年来,尤其是自1983年国内首次发现犬种布鲁氏菌(B.canis)[1]感染存在后所进行的大量人、畜和野生动物的B.canis感染流行病学调查研究发现,在羊、牛或猪种布氏菌流行优势区内,很难或几乎查不到B.canis菌感染的存在;而只在非牛、羊、猪种菌布病流行区内查到B.canis菌感染[2]。 这些现象提示布鲁氏菌属内不同种的布氏菌在宿主体内存在相互作用,为探索其相互作用关系、病原学及流行病学上的意义,笔者进行了研究,现将其结果报告如下。
材料与方法 一、实验菌种:弱毒菌苗株(S型菌)B.melitensis Rev-1株、B.abortus 104M[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 型糖尿病高危人群的筛检方法及其效果 下一个医学论文: 型糖尿病家族聚集性的流行病学研究