帕罗西汀和氯丙咪嗪治疗惊恐障碍 |
张海音 张鸿燕 赵靖平 马崔 李鸣 陶明 徐文璇 张明园
【摘 要】目的:研究帕罗西汀和氯丙咪嗪治疗惊恐障碍的有效性和安 全性。方法:双盲随机平行对照的多中心研究。为期10周。以临床判断及P ASS、HAMA、SDS等量表评定临床效果,以TESS评定不良反应。结果:入组7 3例(帕罗西汀38例,氯丙咪嗪35例),因副反应而退组5例(分别为1例和4例),完成研究者68 例(分别为37例和31例)。平均最高剂量为:帕罗西汀43.5mg/d,氯丙咪嗪159.7mg/d。临 床判断,帕罗西汀和氯丙咪嗪的显效率为62.2%和64.5%。至治疗结束时,83.8%和87.1% 的病人已无完全性惊恐发作。自第2周末起,PASS总分已显著下降。两种药物的效果无明显 差异。副反应的发生率,帕罗西汀组18.4%,远低于氯丙咪嗪组的42.9%。结论: 帕罗西汀是一种疗效好、安全性高的治疗惊恐障碍的药物。 【关键词】 帕罗西汀 氯丙咪嗪 治疗 惊恐障碍
Paroxctine versus clomipramine for the Treatment of Panic diso rders-a doublc-blind randomized study
Zhang Haiyin Zhang Honjgyan Zhao Qinping et al (Shanghai Mental Health Center,Shanghai,CHINA 200030)
【Abstract】Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of par oxetine and clomipramine in the treatment of panic disorder.Method: A 10 weeks multi-centred double-blind randomized study was designed.The effi c acy was evaluated by clinical judgment,PASS,HAMA and SDS.The safety was assessed in terms of TESS. Results: 73 cases of panic disorder were enrolled and 5 cases were withdrawn due to intolerance of side effects:1 case from group of paroxetine and 4 cases from group of clomipramine,Among complete cases,37 were in the treatment of paroxeti ne and 31 were in clomipramine,According the judgment of clinicians,the marked i mproved rate was 62.2% for paroxeline and 64.5% for clomipramine.By the end of t his study,the rate of free of panic attack auack was 83.8% for paroxetine and 87 .1 % for clomipramine,The therapeutic effect was shown from the end of second week in both group.However there was no significant difference in any efficacy measu r ement between two groups.Paroxetine group had much lower incidence of sidc effec t(18.7%)than that of clomipramine(42.9%),in particularly the incidence of tachyc ardia and dry mouth.Conclusion: Paroxetine is one of efficient a nd high-safety drug in treatment of panic disorder. 【Key Words】Paroxetine Clomipramine Treatmen[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 漂浮疗法合并药物对原发性高血压治疗的初步观察 下一个医学论文: 系统 内的实践和 系统 外的思考