湖北省宜昌市38年钩端螺旋体病流行周期性的论证 |
程德明 潘会明
【摘要】 目的 了解钩端螺旋体病(钩体病)发病周期性规律。方法 采用周期图法分析了宜昌市1960~1997年钩体病疫情资料。结果 宜昌市38年来钩体病年发病率为15.43/10万,流行周期为10年,周期振动有统计学上显著性意义(J=4.179,P<0.05)。结论 这为掌握钩体病流行规律,有效控制疫情提供依据。 【关键词】 钩端螺旋体病 周期性流行 周期图法
Demonstration for periodicity of leptospirosis in Yichang City of Hubei Province during 1960-1997
CHENG Deming and PAN Huiming. Yichang City Health and Anti-epidemic Station,Yichang,Hubei Province 443000
【Abstract】 Objective To study the periodicity of leptospirosis incidence. Methods Data of leptospirosis epidemics in Yichang City collected during the past 38 years from 1960 to 1997 were analyzed with periodic graphics method. Results Cause-specific incidence rate of leptospirosis was 15.43 per 100 000 in average, with an epidemic interval of 10 years, with statistical significance in periodic vibration (J=4.179,P<0.05). Conclusion The results mentioned above provided scientific basis for the effective control and prevention of the disease. 【Key words】 Leptospirosis Periodicity Periodic graphics
表1 宜昌市38年钩体病发病率
时间(年) 发病率(/10万) 时间(年) 发病率(/10万) 1 2.15 20 2.58 2 0.46 21 1.72 3 7.15 22 2.30 4 19.67 23 13.17 5 12.25 24 101.30 6 10.83 25 11.57 7 5.07 26 4.81 8 1.30 27 3.10 9 0 28 2.39 10 0.69 29 1.57 11 7.29 30 1.02 12 5.78 31 1.30 13 5.86 32 1.18 14 198.90 33 1.18 15 70.72 34 4.09 16 21.40 35 2.02 17 8.96 36 6.99 18 24.92 37 15.05 19 4.88 38 5.88
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