坚持使用避孕套情况下的夫妻间艾滋病病毒感染因素分析 |
储全胜 姜珍霞 汪兆国 谭吉宾
【摘要】 目的 避孕套干预对夫妻间艾滋病病毒(HIV)传播的作用。方法 为首例HIV感染者建立个人档案,固定流行病学医师对感染者和配偶每6个月进行一次HIV抗体检测和家庭随访,HIV抗体检测采用ELISA、PA、WB法,阳性结果由山东省卫生防疫站确认。结果 首例男性1992年入境时确认HIV感染。卫生防疫人员立即对感染者夫妇进行了预防AIDS教育。几年来配偶间性接触均使用避孕套,但使用前未进行破损检查。其配偶1997年5月曾出现不明原因低热1月余,同年8月在第14次检测时阳性,并确认为HIV-1型感染。结论 使用避孕套可在较长时间内预防HIV经性接触感染,但不正确使用仍可造成HIV感染。 【关键词】 避孕套 配偶间性传播 艾滋病病毒
A case report of heterosexual transmission of HIV infection between spouses with persistent condom use
CHU Quansheng,JIANG Zhenxia,WANG Zhaoguo,et al. Qingdao Municipal Health and Anti-epidemic Station, Qingdao 266003
【Abstract】 Objective To report a case of heterosexual transmission of HIV infection between spouses with consistent condom use. Methods The first case with HIV infection was detected in the contracted male workers returned from abroad in Qingdao in 1992 and both he and his spouse were given health education for AIDS/HIV prevention and instructions on condom use. And,his wife was followed-up every six months by detecting her serum anti-HIV. Results The wife of the index case was negative for anti-HIV in the first 12 blood tests before December 1996. But, she was found suspect of positive for anti-HIV in July 1997 and definitely positive for anti-HIV-1 in August 1997 during her 14th test. In the period of 1992 to 1997,they persisted in condom use during intercourse. Recall of the wife showed that she had low fever in May 1997, suggesting at the window phase of her acute HIV infection. It postulated that she infected with HIV during March to April 1997. Conclusion The case report indicated that incorrect use of condom could not prevent from HIV transmission between spouses. 【Key words】 Condom Heterosexual transmission between spouses Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)
一、[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 部分国产艾滋病病毒抗体检测试剂临床应用质量评价 下一个医学论文: 甲型肝炎疫苗免疫的成本效益分析