#e# 关键词: 医院;科学基金;自然;管理
摘要 文章介绍了综合性医院管理国家自然科学基金的经验。提出加强科研管理机构建设,做好服务宣传工作是加强国家自然科学基金课题管理的前提;营造科学创新环境,加强前期申报管理力度是提高资助率的关键;抓好科学基金的中、后期管理是提高科学基金的整体效益,促进医院学科全面发展的核心。
Strengthening the management of funds for natural sciences so as to promote the construction of specialties]
Abstract In this paper experience is passed on as to the management of national funds for projects of natural sciences in general hospitals.It is pointed out that the precondition for strengthening the management of such funds lies in improving the construction of science-managing institutions and providing good services and sound propaganda.The key to raising the subsidizing rate is to create suitable circumstances for scientific innovations and enhancing the management for the earlier-stage applications. The core of improving the overall outcome of the use of the funds and promoting the all-round development of a hospital’s specialties consists in tightening the middle -stage and later-stage management of the funds.
Key Words Hospital Funds for scientific projects,Natural Management
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