#e# 李斌元,马 云,何淑雅,钟 南,孙春莉,闵凌峰
关键词: 脆性X综合征
【摘要】 目的 检测脆性X染色体综合征智力低下基因FMR1中(CGG)n拷贝数的多态性。方法 采用PCR结合序列胶银染法、Southern blot杂交分析法,对299条表型正常的湖南省人群X染色体FRAXA位点(CGG)n拷贝数的多态性及分布频率进行了测定和验证。结果 显示其范围为20~40,高峰为28 ,PCR-序列分析银染法结果与Southern blot法结果完全一致。结论 检测了湖南省人群X染色体FRAXA位点(CGG)n拷贝数的多态性;运用PCR-序列分析胶银染法快速、直接、简便、实用,适合脆性X综合征的大规模群体筛查。
【关键词】 脆性X综合征 FMR1 (CGG)n PCR
The study of the unsteady DNA repeat located in the mentally retardant FMR1 gene of fragile X
【Abstract】 Objective To detect the polymorphism of CGG repeats located in the mentally retardant FMR1 gene of fragile X.Methods To detect and test the polymorphism and frequency of CGG repeats located in the FRAXA region come from 299 chromosome of normal hunan pupulations.Results The normal range of CGG repeats is 20-40,the mean number is 28, the data showed that the results of PCR-sequence gel silver staining was the same as those of PCR-Southern blot. Conclusion Realize the polymorphism of CGG repeats located in the FRAXA locus;2. The PCR-Sequence gel silver staining was more rapid,immediate, simple and economy ,which suits to the colony screening fragile X syndrome on a large scale.
【Key words】 fragile X syndrome FMR1 CGG repeats PCR
脆性X综合征(fragile X syndrome,FraX)是常见的遗传性智力低下性疾病之一,其发病率仅次于唐氏综合征。在人群中男性的发病率约为1/4000[1],女性的发病率为1/2500[2]。其在细胞学上主要表现为Xq27.3带处有一细丝样的脆性位点(FRAXA)[3],在分子水平上表现为FMR1基因5’端(CGG)n的异常扩增。(CGG)n在正常人群体中呈多态性,n=6-50,当n=50-200时为前突变,n>200时为全突变,同时伴随其周围CpG
[1] [2] [3] 下一页