#e# 【摘要】 目的 寻找通过外科手段治疗内科无法根治的复治耐多药菌阳重症空洞型肺结核的有效途径。方法 1981~1998年6月采用空洞清除术治疗复治耐药空洞型肺结核104例。切除覆盖在空洞外侧的肋骨后段,游离相应部位的带蒂肋间组织,剪除空洞外侧壁,彻底清除空洞内容物,刮出新鲜创面,有机酸杀灭可能残留的结核分支杆菌,将准备好的肋间肌瓣填充于空洞残腔内,缝合固定。结果 104例中出院时治愈103例(99.0%),其中一次手术治愈101例(98.1%),好转1例(1.0%)。随访98例中,复工率96%,无手术死亡和复发者。结论 空洞清除术设计合理,是治疗内科无法根治的复治菌阳空洞型肺结核的有效方法。
Cleaning cavity operation in treating relapse bacillary cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis
【Abstract】 Objective To study the effective surgical way for serious relapse multidrug resistant bacillary cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods 104 cases of serious relapse multidrug resistant bacillary cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis were cured by cleaning cavity operation from 1981 to 1998. The operation contained resecting the back rib covering the cavity, separating the intercostal tissue, cutting the external wall of the cavity, cleaning the cavity thoroughly, scraping the cavity till exposing the fresh tissue, killing the tuberculosis germs with organic acid, filling the cavity with the intercostal muscle, fixing and suturing the muscles. Results Among the 104 cases, 103 cases (99.0%) were cured, 101 cases (98.1%) were cured after the first operation, one case&nbs p;(1.0%) became better. Among the 98 cases follwed up, the rate of returning to work were 96%, no one died or relapsed. Conclusions The design of cleaning cavity operation is reasonable and it is the effective method to treat the relapse bacillary cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis, the rate of cure and sputum conversion are promising.
【Key words】 Tuberculosis, pulmonary Cleaning cavity operation
为(1)经长期规律或不规律抗结核治疗的复治菌阳病例;(2)耐多药(至少对异烟肼和利福平产生耐药者);(3)位于上叶或下叶背段的4.0 cm以上的纤维厚壁空洞;(4)由于余肺病变较多,或心肺功能较差,不能承受或不适合行肺切除及萎陷手术者;(5)合并脓胸或双侧巨大厚壁空洞;(6)有咯血、感染及明显的临床症状者。
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