关键词:髌骨骨折 骨折 骨折固定术
【摘要】 目的 观察三角形张力带内固定治疗髌骨粉碎性骨折的疗效。方法 对20例髌骨粉碎性骨折患者进行三角形张力带内固定治疗。结果 20例均达骨性愈合,6~13个月后去除内固定物。膝关节功能按胥少汀评分法优13例,良7例。结论 三角形张力带内固定治疗髌骨粉碎性骨折具有固定牢固、可早期行功能锻炼等优点。
Treatment of comminuted patella fracture with triangular tension band
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the effects of triangular tension band on treating the comminuted patella fracture.Methods 20 patients with comminuted patella fracture were treated by tringular band.Results The fixations were removed after 6 to 13 months, all 20 patients obtained the complete osteanagenesis. The functions of knee joint were evaluated by Xu Shaotings method with good results,13 patients were excellent and other 7 were good.Conclusion The method is good for fixing the comminuted patella fracture,the fixation is reliable,the fragments of bone can be compressed better and the patients can limber up the knee joint earlier.
【Key words】 tension band;patella fractures; fractures,comminuted; fracture fixation,internal
1 材料与方法&nb sp;
1.1 病例资料 本组20例,男15例,女5例,年龄19~61岁。左侧12例,右侧8例。伤因:跪倒跌伤5例,棒击伤2例,车祸伤13例。其中髌骨裂为3块者称三块型,5例;裂为4块者称四块型,4例;裂为4块以上者称复杂型,11例。
图1 右膝髌骨粉碎骨折经三角形张力带内固定术前后X线片,复位固定良好,关节面平整,骨性愈合
1.2 手术方法 取膝关节前正中切口,显露髌骨及周围腱膜,清除积血,翻起卷入骨折断端的腱膜但不作剥离,手法复位,由术者及助手各持一把髌骨复位钳交叉夹持大骨块,调整各骨块位置,待复位满意,锁紧复位钳。设计三角形平面,按每个顶点必须有一较大骨块、每条边经过相邻骨块的原则,取较大骨块中点连线穿入1.5 mm克氏针各1根,于髌骨矢状面中点偏后方进针,每两针出口位于同一点附近。使用18#钢丝分别缠绕各针并扭紧使产生加压作用,针尾外留0.5 cm,弯向背侧防止钢丝滑脱。冲洗切口,缝合各层组织。术中屈膝至90°,检查固定是否可靠。术后第3天开始被动功能锻炼,1周后开始主动锻炼,复杂型骨折推迟4天。所有患者均自第6周起负重行走。
2 结果
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