#e# Prospect for disease prevention and control in the 21st century
【摘 要】 21世纪的疾病控制既面临挑战又充满机遇。已控制的传染病卷土重来,新的传染病不断涌现以及心血管疾病、肿瘤、糖尿病等非传染病的发病不断增多,对人类健康构成巨大威胁;意外伤害与精神障碍也严重影响人们的身心健康并对社会造成巨大负担;人口老化、环境污染、国际旅游业的发展及病原体的演变等等,使疾病控制面临巨大的挑战。同时,人口素质的提高,健康教育的促进,医学的发展,新疫苗的不断问世及新的有效的预防措施的实施,又使21世纪的疾病控制充满机遇。预防为主是新世纪疾病控制的主旋律。
【Abstract】 The disease control in the 21st century will both be faced with challenges and be filled with chances. The resurgence and emergence of infectious diseases and the increase of noninfectious diseases (angiocardiopathy, tumor, diabetes, etc.) will threaten the human health. Unintentional injuries and psychoneurosis will affect the people’s psychosomatic health and cause heavy social burdens. Aging of the population, pollution of environment, development of the international tourism, variation of the microbes and many other factors will make disease control enormous challenges in the 21st century. Simultaneously, enhancing of the general population quality, promoting of the health education, developing of medical science, coming out of the new vaccines and implementing of the ;new effective preventive measures will bring immense chances for disease control in the 21st century. "Prevention first" will be the leading theme of disease control in the new century.
【Key words】 disease; control; prevention
1 背景[1~3]
2 传染病流行现状[4~8]
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