陆军 宋玉杰 朱亚平 胡惠平 沈健
【摘要】目的 研究低分子量肝素(LMWH)对血液透析(血透)患者血小板平均体积(MPV)和α颗膜粒膜蛋白(GMP-140)的影响。方法 对45例维持性血透患者分别使用LMWH和标准肝素(SH)抗凝,分别测定透析前、透析后15、30、60、120、240分钟时活化的部分凝血酶时间(APTT)和凝血酶时间(TT)及血小板计数(BPC)、MPV、GMP-140并作比较。结果 SH组APTT和TT在透析120及240分钟时较之LMWH组显著延长(P均<0.001),透析15分钟后SH组MPV、GMP-140较透析前及LMWH组有极显著增高(P均<0.01)。结论 SH是引起血透过程中血小板活化的重要因素之一,LMWH能显著改善这种状况。
【关键词】肝素 血液透析 血小板平均体积 血小板α-颗粒膜蛋白
Effect of low moleoular welght hepain on mean playelet volume and alpha-granule membrane protein in patlents treated with hemodlalysis
Lu Jun,Shong Yu jie,Zhu Ya ping,et al.
pioples Hospital of Dafeng City,Jiansu 224100
【Abstract】Objectives To investigate the effect of low molecular weight heparin on mean platelet volume(MPV)and alpha-granule membrane protein(GMP-140)in patients with hemodialysis(HD).Methods 45 patients with HD were treated with same HD fashion and used either with low molecular weighyt heparin(LMWH)or standard heparin(SH).The active partial thromboplasin time (APTT),thrombin time(TT),BPC,MPV,GMP-140 were measured at prior-HD and 15,30,60,120,240 minutes after HD,respectively.Results APTT and TT were markedly prolongated at 120,240 minutes after HD in SH group than those in LMWH group(all P<0.001).MPV and GMP-140 were much significantly higher at 15 minutes after HD in SH than those in LMWH group (all P<0.01).Conclusion The SH might be an important factor contributing to platelet activation and that LMWH can improve platelet activation during HD.
【Key words】Heparin Bemodialysis Mean platelet volume Platelet alpelet alpha-granule mimbrane protein.
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