王 辉 邓洁英 郑德先 史轶蘩
中国图书分类号 R392.11
摘 要 目的:克隆和鉴定人淋巴细胞免疫反应性生长激素(irGH)基因调控序列的核苷酸顺序。方法:通过PCR扩增出人淋巴细胞irGH基因5′近端的调控序列,然后将其与质粒PGEM7Zf(+)连接,经转化蓝白斑筛选、酶切鉴定,获得PGEM7Zf(+)-irGH DNA (-484-+2 bp)重组质粒,进行序列测定。结果:显示irGH基因5′近端的调控序列与垂体细胞GH基因的5′近端调控序列的核苷酸顺序完全相同。结论:该结果进一步证明免疫系统与神经内分泌系统的密切关系。
关键词 生长激素基因 调控序列 人淋巴细胞
Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the 5′-flanking region of immunoreactive growth hormone gene of human lymphocyte
WANG Hui,DENG Jie-Ying,ZHENG De-Xian et al.
Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100730
Abstract Objective:Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the 5′-flanking region of immunoreactive growth hormone gene of human 1ymphocyte.Methods:The immunoreactive growth hormone(irGH) DNA fragments were obtained by PCR with normal human peripheral blood lymphocyte DNA as template.Then,the plasmids of PGEM7Zf(+)-irGH DNA(-484-+2 bp) were constructed by ligation of irGH DNA with PGEM7Zf(+),transformation,blue/white color selection and restriction enzyme analysis.The 5′-flanking region of irGH were sequenced by using sanger s dideoxynucleitide chain-temination reaction.Results:It was demonstrated that the sequence data of 5′-flanking region(-484-+2 bp) in irGH gene was identical to that of pituitary GH gene.Conclusion:The results indicate a close relationship between immune system and neuroencrine system.
Key words Growth hormone gene Promoter Lymphocytes
已发现经典的内分泌腺体、神经元、神经胶质细胞能够产生多种细胞因子,中枢及外周免疫器官也能产生多种激素和神经肽,此外还证实免疫系统和神经内分泌系统的细胞能表达细胞因子、激素及神经肽的受体[1]。淋巴细胞能分泌免疫反应性生长激素(Immunoreactive GH,irGH),它是淋巴细胞的一种自分泌和旁分泌生长因子,在抗原性、分子量、生物活性及mRNA大小等方面与垂体GH相似。本实验室证实人淋巴细胞表达的irGH cDNA编码序列与垂体hGH cDNA的序列是相同的[2,3],但目前有研究表明淋巴细胞分泌GH与垂体分泌GH的调控机制是不同的。本实验室为了从分子水平上探讨淋巴细胞irGH基因表达的调控机制,首先克隆irGH基因的5′上游调控序列,进行序列分析和鉴定。
1 材料与方法
1.1 菌株及质粒 DH5α及PGEM7Zf(+)质粒为本室保存。
1.2 试剂 内切酶(SmaI
[1] [2] [3] 下一页