施乐华 杨家和 崔贞福 吴孟超 潘文舟 孔令山 王明库
中国图书分类号 R392-33 R814.43
摘 要 目的:将抗人原发性肝癌(PLC)单抗TIGTC-Ⅲ,用胃蛋白酶法消化成F(ab′)2片段,标记131I后进行裸鼠人肝癌移植瘤的体内定位研究。方法:采用胃蛋白酶消化法,进行裸鼠体内核素显像。结果:消化产率为31.7%±2.4%,经细胞结合实验证明F(ab′)2具有良好的免疫活性,抗体片段进入裸鼠体内后,与完整抗体比,进入肿瘤的速度快,生物学分布特异性高,定位指数上升,血清本底下降迅速,生物半衰期明显缩短。结论:F(ab′)2与全抗体比较可使成像时间提前,定位清晰。
关键词 单克隆抗体 F(ab′)2片段 放射免疫显像
The preparation of F(ab′)2 fragment of monoclonal antibody TIGTC-Ⅲ and its application in tumor radioimmunoimagine
SHI Le-Hua,YANG Jia-He,CUI Zhen-Fu et al.
Eastern Hepatobiary Surgery Hospital,The Second Military Medical College,Shanghai 200433
Abstract Objective:In order to realize the immunoimmaging with F(ab′)2 fragment of monoclonal antibody (TIGIC-Ⅲ) for PLC.Methods:Monoclonal antibody(TIGTC-Ⅲ) against human primary liver cancer(PLC) was digested into F(ab′)2 fragment by pepsin digestion.After labelled with 131 I and 125 I radioiodinated F(ab′)2 was injected into nude mice bearing tumor xenografts of PLC via tail vein and radioimmunoimagine was performed.Results:The experiment results showed that the yield of pure F(ab′)2 was 31.7%±2.4%,the immunoreactivity of F(ab′)2 based on the cell binding studies was retained well.After the injection of 131 I-F(ab′)2 into PLC tumor-bearing nude mice,photoscintigraphy was performed at intervals of 12 h.The xenografts were visualized distinctly during 24~96 h.Conclusion:The ratio of tumor to non-tumor(T/NT) was higher than those of the intact IgG in all tissues.Xenografts of PLC in nude mice acumulated TIGTC-Ⅲ.The excretion of radioactivity was decreased repidly.
Key words Monoclonal antibody F(ab′)2 Radioimmunoimagine
1 材料与方法
1.1 单抗TIGTC-Ⅲ的制备 TIGTC-Ⅲ系将肝癌细胞株HEPG2免疫Balb/c小鼠后将其脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0融合而成的杂交瘤分泌的一系列抗体之一,已经抗体的专一性分析[1]。
1.2 抗体片段F(ab′)2的制备与纯
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