姜永堂 陈学魁 安继红 赫国志
中国图书分类号 R541.5 R392.12
摘 要 目的:探讨肺心病患者脂质过氧化对红细胞免疫功能的影响。方法:采用红细胞酵母菌混合花环法和硫代巴比土酸(TBA)法检测了肺心病患者红细胞C3b受体、血浆及红细胞膜丙二醛(MDA)水平。结果:肺心病患者红细胞C3b受体明显降低;血浆MDA和红细胞膜MDA明显升高;在急性期肺心病患者上述变化更为显著,同时伴有红细胞免疫复合物花环率降低;红细胞C3b受体和血浆MDA及红细胞膜MDA呈负相关,多元逐步回归分析膜MDA和C3b受体降低关系更为密切。结论:红细胞膜脂质过氧化损害对红细胞C3b受体有不利影响。
关键词 肺心病 红细胞免疫功能 脂质过氧化
Relationship between peroxidation in erythrocyte membraneand and red cell immune function in cor pulmonale subjects
JIANG Yong-Tang,CHEN Xue-Kui,AN Ji-Hong et al.
Department of Respiratory System,The 2nd Clinic Colleage-Nornam Bethune University of Mecical Sciences,Changchun 130041
Abstract Objective:To evaluate the relationship between peroxidation in erythrocyte membrane and red cell immune function in cor pulaonale.Methods:The red cell immune function and the levels of malonyldialdehyde(MDA) in plasm and erythrocyte membrane were tested by red cell yeast mixture rose and thiobarbituric acid(TBA) methods.Results:The levels of erythrocyte C3b receptor was significantly decreased in acute stage cor pulmonale(P<0.01).The levels of plasma and erythrocyte membrane MDA in cor pulmonale were higher than those in healthy(P<0.01).Conclusion:The results indicated that lipid peroxidation,particularly in erythrocyte membrane,might contribute to the decrease of erythrocyte of receptor.
Key words Cor pulmonale Red cell immune function Lipid peroxidation
丙二醛(MDA)是脂质过氧化反应中重要的中间产物,MDA可严重损坏细胞膜组分、结构和功能〔见:Jain S K.The accumulation of malonyldialdebyde,an end of product of fatty acid peroxidation ,can disturb aminophospholipid organization in the membrane bilayer of human erythrocyte.J Biol Chem,1984;259:339〕。红细胞膜上存在具有免疫粘附活性的C3b受体,由于红细胞免疫粘附(Red cell immune adherence,RCIA)作用,红细胞得以发挥携带和清除循环免疫复合物(CIC),促进吞噬细胞吞噬,调节细胞免疫等多种功能〔见:郭 峰.红细胞免疫研究概况.中华微生物学和免疫学杂志,1995;15(3):18〕。为探讨肺心病患者红细胞膜MDA对红细胞C3b受体的影响,我们自1995年9月~1996年4月选择住院肺心病患者进行观察,报道如下。
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例选择 正常对照组:体检健康者24例,肺心病组:
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