于康震 Burnette W N Kaslow H R Mar V L Ahmad S Yilma T D
中国图书分类号 R378.4 Q784
摘 要 目的:百日咳毒素既是百日咳杆菌的主要毒性因子,又是重要的保护性抗原,其S1亚单位具有ADP-核糖转移酶活性和免疫保护性决定簇。为高效表达前构建的一个丧失酶活性但仍保持保护决定簇的S1变异子,开展了本研究。方法:通过添加人流感病毒血凝素基因信号序列或嵌膜序列的方法,对天然和变异S1亚单位基因片段作了遗传学修饰。然后使用重组杆状病毒技术使这些S1亚单位在昆虫细胞和昆虫幼虫中实现了高水平表达。结果:这些重组S1的表达水平介于每万个昆虫卵细胞0.18~1.93 μg或每只昆虫幼虫0.46~4.98 mg之间。天然信号肽和HA信号肽均可完整表达,但后者的切割效率(61%~81%)比前者(16%~19%)更高。所有带信号肽的S1亚单位均呈异质性表达(双带)。结论:重组S1亚单位的表达是高效和正确的,表达的异质性是由于信号肽切割不完全的缘故。
关键词 百日咳毒素 S1亚单位 重组杆状病毒 表达
Expression of genetically altered S1 subunits of pertussis toxin in recombinant baculoviruses
YU Kang-Zhen.
Harbin Veterinary Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150001
Burnette W N,Kaslow H R,Mar V L et al.
International Laboratory of Molecular Biology for Tropical Disease Agents,School of Veterinary Medicine,University of California,Davis,CA 95616
Abstract Objective:Pertusis toxin(PT)is both a major virulence factor of bordetella pertussis and an important immunoprotective antigen against whooping cough.The S1 subunit of PT possesses ADP-ribosyltransferase activity as well as epitopes that induce protective immunity.The aim of the present research is to produce the S1 mutant abundantly which is in lack of the enzyme activity constructed previously.Methods:Have modified both native and mutant S1 subunit-encoding DNA fragments by the addition of the native S1 signal sequence or the signal sequence of human influenza virus hemagglutinin(HA) gene.The modified S1 subunits were abundantly expressed by recombinant autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis viruses in insect cells and larva.Results:The expression levels ranged from 0.18~1.93 μg/104 spodoptera frugiperda ovarian cells,or 0.46~4.98 mg/larva of spodoptera exigua.The native and HA signal sequences were both expressed intact,although the HA signal was processed more efficiently(61%~81%) tnan the native one(16%~19%).All S
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