侯桂华 韩建奎 张庆殷 宋 静 卢红霞
中国图书分类号 R322.1 R331.14
摘 要 目的:探讨细胞因子对rIL-2活化的脐血淋巴细胞粘附脐静脉血管内皮细胞(HUVEC)的影响机理。方法:计数粘附率和APAAP法测细胞表型。结果:rIL-2活化淋巴细胞粘附HUVEC的能力明显大于未刺激组,前者的粘附率是56.52%,后者是24.54%。rIL-1、2、8、rTNF-α可明显增强其粘附,而rIL-10使粘附率明显下降至38.12%;rIL-1、8、rTNF-α增强CD4+细胞的粘附,rIL-10抑制CD4+、CD56+的粘附。结论:活化淋巴细胞粘附HUVEC的作用明显增强,rIL-1、2、8、10和rTNF-α对这一过程具有重要的调节作用。
关键词 血管内皮细胞 活化淋巴细胞 粘附 细胞因子
Effects of cytokine on adherence of activated lymphocyte to vascular endothelial cells
HOU Gui-Hua,HAN Jian-Kui,ZHANG Qing-Yin et al.
Department of Microbiology, Shandong Medical University,Jinan 250012
Abstract Objective:To explore the effects of different cytokine on the adherence of rIL-2 activated umbilical lymphocytes to HUVEC(human umbilical vein endothelial cells).Methods :Activated umbilical lymphocytes were laid on the surface of the cultured HUVEC monolayer. After a certain period of time,the adherence rate was determined. The phenotypes of adherent lymphocytes were studied with APAAP method.Results:rIL-2 activated lymphocytes exhibited a stronger adherence to HUVEC than that of control group.rIL-1(10 U/ml)\,rIL-2(1 000 U/ml)\,rIL-8(1 mg/ml)and rTNF-α(250 U/ml) could promote the adherence of rIL-2 activated lymphocytes,but rIL-10 decreased the adhesion rate to 38.12%.Conclusions:The adherent activity of activated lymphocytes is obviously stronger than that of unactivated ones and cytokine may play an important role in regulating lymphocyte adherence to vascular endothelium.
Key words Vascular endothelium Activated lymphocyte Adherence Cytokine
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
1.1.1 脐带标本 剖宫产后健康新生儿脐带,取自本校附属医院妇产科。
1.1.2 试剂 胰蛋白酶为Sigma公司产品。用RPMI1640培养液配成0.25%浓度,-20℃冻存。rIL-1、2、6、TNF-α购于北京邦定
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