焦顺昌 李求是 钟大光 周严恒
中国图书分类号 R512.620.5 R392
摘 要 目的:探讨Gwe口服液对慢性迁延型肝炎患者血清补体溶解免疫复合物能力(CMSC)的影响。方法:以健康献血员为对照,采用改良的天野氏比色法,测定18例慢性迁延型肝炎患者服用Gwe前后1个月左右的CMSC。结果:患者的CMSC下降为84.3%(P=0.02),经Gwe治疗后恢复正常。血清C3含量与其CMSC水平呈显著正相关(r=0.922,P<0.01),血清CMSC与C4之间无显著相关性。结论:Gwe治疗后CMSC活性显著升高,有利于减少免疫复合物的沉积,阻断慢性肝炎的病理进程。
关键词 慢性迁延型肝炎 Gwe 血清溶解免疫复合物能力
Effects of Gwe on the serum complement mediated immune complex solubilizing capacity in chronic persistent hepatitis patients
JIAO Shun-Chang,LI Qiu-Shi,ZHONG Da-Guang et al.
General Hospital of PLA,Beijing 100853
Abstract Objective:To discuss the effect of Gwe on the serum complement mediated immune complex solubilizing capacity in chronic persistent hepatitis patients.Methods:Serum complement mediated immune complex solubilizing (CMSC)was measured in 18 chronic persistent hepatitis (CPH) patients and in 10 normal individuals.Results:It was found that the level of serum CMSC in the CPH patients was significantly lower than that in normal individuals(P=0.02),and was significantly increased after treating with Gwe for a month.There was a positive relationship between the CMSC and serum C3 level in 18 patients,while the relationship of the CMSC with serum C4 was not found.Conclusion:The increased activity of CMSC after Gwe treatment is helpful to clean the deposited immune complex,and to discontinue the progress of chronic hepatitis.
Key words Chronic persistent hepatitis Gwe Serum complement mediated immune complex solubilizing
1 材料与方法
1.1 试剂
1.1.1 可溶性HRP-抗HRP 复合物及底物 购于军事医学科学院微生物及流行病学研究所,效价为1∶3 000。
1.1.2 聚乙二醇(PEG6000) 上海生化所产品。
1.1.3 血清补体C3、C4测定试剂盒 购于海军总医院。
1.2 研究对象
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