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陈 明 刘晓惠 黄颂敏 屈燧林 刘先蓉 许国章 刘 聪

  中国图书分类号 R392.12
  摘 要 目的:研究抗Fas抗体对人肾小球系膜细胞的致凋亡作用,探讨Fas-FasL在肾脏损伤中的作用。方法:常规方法分离、培养人肾小球系膜细胞(Mcs),并传代鉴定,用不同浓度的抗Fas抗体(0,2,5,10 μg/ml)刺激4~6代Mcs 16 h后,荧光染色观察Mcs凋亡变化,二苯胺法和DNA凝胶电泳方法定量和定性分析Mcs DNA片段化变化。结果:抗Fas抗体可诱导Mcs凋亡,且致凋亡效应呈依赖性关系。结论:Fas-FasL系统在Mcs凋亡中起着重要作用。
  关键词 Fas-FasL 抗Fas抗体 系膜细胞

Anti-Fas antibody induce apoptosis in cultured human glomerular mesangial cells

CHEN Ming,LIU Xiao-Hui,HUANG Song-Min et al.
Department of Nephrology, the First University Hospital West China University of Medical Science,Chengdu 610041

  Abstract Objective:To investigate the mechanism inducing apptosis of human glomerular mesangial cells (Mcs) by anti-Fas antibody.Methods: Msc were cultured with anti-Fas antibody (anti-Fas Ab) at different concentrations for 16 hrs. Apoptosis of Mcs was evaluated and qualifed by acriding orange (AO) stained and DNA fragmentation assay. Results: Anti-Fas antibody was found to be able to induce apoptosis in culture human masangial cells and the effect of anti-Fas antibody inducing apoptosis was dose-dependent.Conclusion:Fas and its ligand could play a an role in the injury of human glomerular cell.
  Key words Fas-FasL Anti-Fas antibody Human mesangial cell


1 材料与方法
  取新鲜正常人肾组织在无菌条件下去除肾包膜,按谌氏的方法[3]重叠过筛分离并用IV型胶原酶(Sigma Chemical Co) (300 U/ml)消化肾小球。用RPMI1640培养肾小球,直到细胞布满瓶底后,用0.25%胰蛋白酶-EDTA (Sigma Chemical Co)消化细胞后传代培养。取第4~6代细胞经形态学鉴定(相差显微镜、透射电镜、扫描电镜)及抗胸腺细胞抗体,抗Desmin抗体免疫荧光鉴定证实为系膜细胞(Mcs)后。取第4~6代Mcs,以1×104/孔接种于24孔培养板上,待细胞贴壁过夜后,换成无血清RPMI1640液,继续孵育48 h,使细胞同步于G1期,去上清液后分成对照组、实验组A、B、C 4组,分别加入羊血清IgM 2 μg/ml,抗Fas抗体(Santa Craz Co)2\,5和10 μg/ml各1 ml,继续培养16 h。收集Mcs作下列凋亡检测(Ao)。
1.1 Mas凋亡的形态学观察 将2 μl吖淀橙染液(100 mg/ml)加50 μl待观察Mcs悬液中充分混匀后,再加入1%多聚甲醛溶液40 μl固定细胞后,于24 h内荧光镜下(以细胞

[1] [2] 下一页

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