刘北星 吕昌龙
中国图书分类号 R392.12 R392.3
摘 要 目的:了解消化道溃疡机体的免疫功能变化。方法:应用生物学测定法检测了水浸限制刺激诱发的C57BL/6小鼠消化道溃疡动物模型肠上皮淋巴细胞和脾淋巴细胞的细胞毒活性的变化。结果:发现给予水浸限制刺激后第2天,小鼠肠上皮淋巴细胞对靶细胞的杀伤活性增至最高,达52.3%,1 w后基本恢复正常水平。脾淋巴细胞的杀伤活性在水浸限制刺激后第5天明显下降,第9天仍未完全恢复至正常水平。结论:肠上皮淋巴细胞活性在消化道溃疡发生后的一定期间内有升高,这一升高可能对肠道的功能具有保护作用。
关键词 水浸限制刺激 肠上皮淋巴细胞 杀伤活性
The change of cytotoxicity of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes from mice with experimental digestive ulcer
LIU Bei-Xing,L Chang-Long.
Department of Immmunology,China Medical University,Shenyang 110001
Abstract Objective:In order to understand immunological changes in the body with digestive ulcer.Methods:The cytotoxity of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes(IELs)in C57BL/6 mice with digestive ulcer induced by water immersion were examined by biological assay technique.Results:It was showed that the cytotoxity of IELs was enhanced to a peak in 2 days and down back to the normal in 7 days after the stress and that the cytotoxity of spleen cells was lower than that of normal and could not revive to normal level on the 9th day. Conclusion:the cytotoxity of IELs was increased in a certain period of time after the ulcer,indicating IELs may play a protective role in digestive tract.
Key words Water immmersion restrain stress Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte(IEL) Cytotoxity
肠上皮淋巴细胞(intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte,IEL)是近几年发现的存在于消化道肠上皮细胞间的一种特殊T淋巴细胞。与在胸腺经阳性选择发育成熟的T淋巴细胞不同,IEL的绝大部分(约80%)为CD3+CD4-CD8+T细胞,且CD8分子构成多为αα同质双体[1],实验发现胚胎鼠或未离乳鼠肠道内IEL很少,且多为表达γδTCR的IEL(γδIEL)[2]。随着断乳及成长,表达αβTCR表型的IEL(αβIEL)比例逐渐增加,IEL总数亦随之增多。成年鼠肠上皮细胞间存在约5×107~7×107个IEL/鼠,其中约45%~60%为αβIEL,其余40%~55%为γδIEL[3]。因IEL不进入淋巴再循环,而生存于消化道局部直至死亡,故推测IEL在对抗外来侵袭及清除消化道衰老细胞方面起十分重要的作用[4]。在免疫监视系统中IEL的细胞毒活性十分引人注目。
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