江晓丰 张学光 李新燕 吴士良
中国图书分类号 R392.12
摘 要 目的:探讨人多发性骨髓瘤细胞(MM)XG-7选择性激发扩增人外周血γδT细胞机制。方法:运用蛋白质分离纯化手段获取MM细胞XG-7膜蛋白组分,检查每一组分对γδT细胞的刺激效应,对其中的有效组分作Western blotting等鉴定分析。结果:证实了其中一种为热休克蛋白-70的膜蛋白能选择性扩增人外周血的γδT细胞。结论:表达于人多发性骨髓瘤细胞XG-7细胞膜上的热休克蛋白-70多肽是γδT细胞所识别的配体之一。
关键词 γδT细胞 热休克蛋白 肿瘤相关抗原 高效液相色谱层析仪
The recognition by human γδT cells of HSP70 peptide derived from XG-7 multiple myloma cell line
JIANG Xiao-Feng①,ZHANG Xue-Guang,LI Xin-Yan et al.Immunity Research Unit,Suzhou Medical College,Suzhou 215007.①Shanghai Chest Hospital,Shanghai 200030
Abstract Objective:To elucidate the mechanism of γδT cell’s response to human multiple myloma(MM) cell line XG-7,and to develop a novel expansion system of γδT cell by using PBMCs stimulated with HSP70 peptide derived from XG-7.Methods:The protein isolation and purification techniques were introduced.Results:A protein which specifically stimulated γδT cells were extracted and purificated.Furthermore,this effective protein was characterized as the HSP70 molecule by western blotting.Based on the findings,successfully developed a novel culture system that selectively expanded γδT cells by using PBMCs stimulated with HPS70-peptides.Conclusion:The HSP70-peptide on XG-7cells may be one of the ligand for γδT cells.
Key words γδT cell Heat shock protein(HSP) Tumor-associated antigen(TAA) HPLC
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