我国白喉流行病学特点分析 |
杨志伟 张兴录 于竞进 周军 王克安
摘 要:利用描述性流行病学方法,对我国1950年以来全国法定传染病报告系统和近几年全国疾病监测点白喉疫情资料进行了分析,结果表明:自实施白喉类毒素接种以来,尤其是1978年我国开始实施计划免疫以后,白喉发病率和死亡率大幅度下降,年发病率由50~60年代的报告10/10万~20/10万降低到目前的0.01/10万;流行范围逐步缩小,1997年仅有20多个县报告白喉病例;但目前病死率相对较高,在10%以上;发病无明显的季节性;成人白喉发病增多。建议进一步提高和保持高水平的百白破混合制剂常规免疫接种率,防止白喉的重新流行,但应充分考虑大年龄组人群免疫接种的社会效益和经济效益。同时应加强监测,并加强传染源的管理。 关键词:白喉;流行病学 分类号:R517.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-916X(2000)01-0001-04
An Analysis of Current Epidemiological Characteristics of Diphtheria in China
YANG Zhi-wei, ZHANG Xing-lu, YU Jing-jin, et al. (Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing 100050, China.)
Abstract:By descriptively analyzing diphtheria data from National Notifiable Disease Reporting System and Disease Surveillance spots since 1950,it is found that morbidity and mortality of diphtheria have dramatically decreased since carrying out the diphtheria immunization (especially since 1978, date of launching EPI program). Morbidity has reduced from 10-20 cases / 100,000 in 50-60 s to below 0.01/100,000 in recent years. Cases were reported only in more than 20 counties in 1997. However, fatality rate of diphtheria is still as high as more than 10%. The seasonal distribution showed no noticeable peaks and age distribution of a certain number of cases occurring in adults were displayed. It was recommended that improving and maintaining high level of DPT routine immunization should be ensured, so as to prevent diphtheria outbreak or re-emerging. Diphtheria immunization for adults with high social and economic benefits must be considered carefully. At the same time, diphtheria surveillance and management of infectious sources should be strengthened. Key words:Diphtheria; Epidemiology▲
随着疫苗的应用,尤其是计划免疫的实施,免疫接种的规范化、科学化和系统化,百白破混合制剂(DPT)免疫覆盖率的逐步提高,我国白喉得到了很好的控制,发病率和死亡率显著下降。但近几年来一些国家和地区出现了大规模的暴发或流行,大大超过70~80年代的发病水平。1993、1994年,前苏联各国分别报告了15 210和39 703例白喉,占世界卫生组织(WHO)欧洲区总病例数的80%左右,占全球总病例数的60%~70%。因[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 河北省石家庄等三市麻疹疫苗初始强化免疫效果分析 下一个医学论文: 临床化学急诊测定的时间模式分析