河南省麻疹的流行病学特征分析 |
郭万申 冯子健 刁琳琪 范军星 张珍英 李聪勇
摘 要:为了更有效地防制麻疹,对河南省麻疹的流行特点进行了分析,发现:随着麻疹疫苗的使用及计划免疫的实施,全省麻疹发病率迅速下降,90年代维持在10/10万左右;冬春季节高发,4月为发病高峰;各年龄分布有一定差别,1~9岁儿童占86.02%;各地发病率差别很大,局部地区存在麻疹暴发。建议各地实施麻疹控制规划,建立健全麻疹监测系统,逐步开展麻疹疫苗强化免疫,减少麻疹暴发或流行,以进一步达到控制麻疹的目的。 关键词:麻疹;流行病学;监测;免疫 分类号:R511.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-916X(2000)01-0014-03
Analysis on the Prevalent Characteristics of Measles in Henan Province
GUO Wan-shen, FENG Zi-jian, DIAO Lin-qi, et al. (Henan Provincial Epidemic Prevention Station, Zhengzhou 450003, China.)
Abstract:In the analysis of the prevalent characteristics of measles in Henan Province, we found that in Henan Province the measles incidence has greatly decreased along with using measles vaccine and launching EPI, and the lower incidence of 10 cases per 100,000 population remained through 1990 s. Seasonal distribution of measles was very different, more cases occurred in spring and winter, especially in April. In the same time, measles incidence was dominated by children aged 1 to 9 years. The incidence was very different among prefectures, and the outbreaks still existed in some areas. So, based on concrete conditions, through implementing the plan of measles control in all prefectures, establishing or developing surveillance system, launching measles vaccine mass campaigns, and reducing outbreaks, the goal for accelerating measles control towards measles elimination will be achieved. Key words:Measles; Epidemiology; Measles surveillance, Mass campaign▲
麻疹的发病资料来自法定传染病报告系统(NDRS)和疾病监测点(DSP)资料。数据经EPI info及Excell进行统计处理。采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。
1 流行强度 我省自1965年开始使用麻疹疫苗(MV)以来,尤其是1978年实施计划免疫以后,报告接种率不断提高,近几年维持在90%左右。麻疹的发病率呈逐年下降趋势,至90年代维持在10/10万左右。尤其是自1995年以来,发病率<5/10万。1995年最低,为2.57/10万(图1)。1990~1997年共报告麻疹64 812例,平均发病率9.1[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 上海市浦东新区外来人口麻疹流行病学分析及控制策略 下一个医学论文: 上海市中小学生麻疹疫苗强化免疫的效果评价