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刘明团 杨进业 杨春义 沈立萍 张世京 黄春光 谢信

摘 要:1998年5~6月,崇左县发生一起经流行病学、血清学和病毒学证实的麻疹流行。共报告316例病人,发病率为96.38/10万。病例主要为学龄前儿童(109人)和中小学生(181人)。为查清本次麻疹暴发的原因,在该县非流行区按分层整群抽样的方法,抽取<1岁~≥30岁健康人322人,用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹IgG抗体。结果抗体阳性率为61.80%,几何平均滴度为1:327.15,部分人群抗体达不到控制流行的水平。提示该县仍有发生麻疹流行的可能,应对14岁以下儿童普种MV,以形成免疫屏障。
分类号:R511.1 文献标识码:A

Investigation on Relationship Between Antibody Levels Against Measles in Healthy Population and Measles Outbreak in Chongzuo County of Guangxi

LIU Ming-tuan, YANH Jin-ye, YANG Chun-yi, et al.
(Epdemic Prevention Sation of Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, Guangxi, Nanning 530021, China.)

Abstract:A measles outbreak occurred in Chongzuo county in Guangxi in May-June 1998, with 316 cases reported and the incidence was 96.38/100,000. During this epidemic, serologic and virologic studies demonstrated that it was an outbreak of measles chief of preschool children (109 persons) and students of primary and middle schools(181 persons). 322 serum samples were collected from healthy population aged<1 year-≥30 years old by stratified cluster-sampling method, and detected for IgG antibody by ELISA. The results showed an antibody positive rate of 61.80% and a GMT of 1:327.15, which did not reach the level for epidemic control. There still has possibility of outbreak, if once the wild measles virus is imported in. It is suggested that the immunization should be considered for children under age of 14, in order to control measles outbreaks.
Key words:Measles; Epidemic; Serology; Surveillance▲



1 流行病学资料
2 调查对象的选择及血清抗体检测

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