汕头市区人群麻疹抗体水平及麻疹疫苗强化免疫血清学效果监测 |
郭昕东 吴榕生 李雪华 蔡仿潺 詹幼芳 谢云 江宁华
摘 要:为了解汕头市麻疹疫苗(MV)强化免疫的效果和人群麻疹抗体水平,在2个区随机抽取767名0~39岁健康人,应用酶联免疫吸附试验检测麻疹IgG抗体。结果显示:767人中抗体阳性595人,阳性率77.57%,几何平均滴度(GMT)1:783。以1~12岁儿童抗体阳性率高(85.71%~98.44%),GMT则从6岁开始下降至中低等水平,抗体阳性率有随年龄增长而下降的趋势。观察MV初种8~12月龄儿童94人,免疫成功率为96.81%;MV复种5~7岁儿童93人,免疫成功率61.29%;免疫后抗体GMT分别比免疫前提高28.4倍和3.1倍。不论是初种或复种,免疫前抗体处于中低等水平者其免疫成功率显著高于免疫前高抗体水平者。 关键词:麻疹疫苗;免疫效果;IgG抗体;监测 分类号:R511.1;R186 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-916X(2000)01-0022-03
Surveillance of Measles Antibody Level in Healthy Population and Observation on Serological Efficacy of Primary and Supplementary Immunization of Measles Vaccine in Shantou City
GUO Xin-dong, WU Rong-sheng, LI Xue-hua, et al. (Shantuo Epidemic Prevention Station of Guangdong Province, Shantuo 515031, China.)
Abstract:This paper reported the results of measles antibody detection in 767 persons aged 0~39 years old in Shatuo city. The overall antibody positive rate was 77.57% and the antibody geometric mean titres (GMT) was 1:783. Seropositive rate of 1-12 years old age groups were the highest (85.71%~98.44%) than the other groups. After the age of 6, antibody GMT was shown to be middle and low level. The seropositive rate of measles antibody dropped along with the growth of age. 94 persons aged 0 year and 93 persons aged 5-7 years randomly selected from 767 persons were observed after vaccinating measles vaccine. The immune successful rate of them was 96.81% and 61.29% respectively. The GMT increased by 28.4 times and 3.1 times respectively. Whether basic immunization or reimmunization, there was a negative relationship between immunization successful rate and the measles antibody titer prior to immunization. Key words:Measles vaccine; Vaccine effect; Antibody level; Surveillance▲
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 流行性感冒疫苗的预防效果观察 下一个医学论文: 崇左县麻疹流行与健康人群抗体水平调查