流行性感冒疫苗的预防效果观察 |
韩建平 刘昌顺 方欣 舒俭德 严军
摘 要:为了解流行性感冒(流感)疫苗的预防效果和安全性,于1996~1998年为健康军人及其家属共2 378人接种流感疫苗(免疫组),并按儿童、成人、老年3个年龄段选取2 280人设立对照组。经6个月追踪观察结果显示,流感疫苗对流感样症状的预防有效率在儿童、成人、老年组中为 82.7%、69.6%和78.6%,平均77.4%,对预防上呼吸道感染症状的有效率分别是44.6%、50.7%和46.7%,平均47.8%。在第2年的观察中,接种流感疫苗的副反应率为1.2%。证实流感疫苗具有良好预防效果和安全性。 关键词:流行性感冒;上呼吸道感染;流行性感冒疫苗;预防效果 分类号:R511.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-916x(2000)01-0025-03
Assessment of Preventive Effect of Influenza Vaccine
HAN Jian-ping, LIU Chang-shun, FANG Xin, et al. (Health Division, Administrative Bureau of General Logistics, Chinese People s Liberation Army, 100842, China.)
Abstract:In order to investigate the preventive effect and the safety of influenza vaccine in Chinese population, 2378 healthy military people and their family members were vaccinated (vaccinated group) from the year 1996 to 1998, 2280 people without vaccination (control group) were included in 3 subgroups(children, adults, elders) according to their ages. During 6 months follow-up after their vaccination, the final results demonstrated that the rates of prevention of vaccine against influenza-like symptoms in children, adults and elders were 82.7%, 69.6% and 78.6% respectively, the average was 77.4%, and rates against upper respiratory infection symptoms reached 44.6%, 50.7% and 46.7% respectively, averagely 47.8%. During the 2nd year observation, the incidence of side effect was only 1.2%. The results demonstrate the good preventive effect and the safety of influenza vaccine. Key words:Influenza; Upper respiratory infection; Influenza vaccine; Preventive effect▲
1 观察对象分组及接种方法 在1996~1998年于流感流行季节前(我国北方为每年的11月至次年的4月),对近期无流感样症状的健康军人及其家属进行流感疫苗接种,并按儿童、成人、老年3个年龄段分组并设立对照组。所有入选者在接种时均无急性感染症状或慢性疾病活动期症状,老年组均无严重慢[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人群中水痘 带状疱疹病毒流行率及其疫苗免疫效果 下一个医学论文: 汕头市区人群麻疹抗体水平及麻疹疫苗强化免疫血清学效果监测