广州管圆线虫病治疗药物筛选报告 |
黄晓红 杨发柱 屠昭平 张莹珍 林金祥 指导
摘要: [目的] 筛选治疗广州管圆线虫病的有效药物。[方法] 以大白鼠为动物模型,人工感染广州管圆线虫第3期幼虫后分别用伊维菌素、阿苯哒唑、甲苯咪唑和噻嘧啶进行治疗,然后解剖检虫、计数、测量,用SPSS统计软件包分析比较4种药物的疗效。[结果] 剂量为20 mg/kg.d×6的阿苯哒唑和甲苯咪唑均能完全清除感染鼠体内的广州管圆线虫幼虫,而总剂量为28 mg/kg的伊维菌素和860 mg/kg 的噻嘧啶未能使感染鼠的虫数减少,也不影响第1期幼虫的产出时间。[结论] 阿苯哒唑和甲苯咪唑对广州管圆线虫幼虫有显著的杀虫效果,伊维菌素和噻嘧啶无效。 关键词: 广州管圆线虫病; 药物筛选; 阿苯哒唑; 甲苯咪唑;伊维菌素; 噻嘧啶 中图分类号: R 532.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)01-0015-03
Screening of Drugs against Angiostrongylus cantonensis
HUANG Xiaohong YANG Fazhu TU Zhaoping et al (Fujian Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Fuzhou Fujian 350001,China)
Abstract: [Objective] To screen drugs against Angiostrongylus cantonensis. [Methods] 50 rats were infected with the infective laevaeof A. cantonensis and on the 7th day cured by Ivermectin, Mebendazole, Albendazole, Pyranteli pamoatis respectively in 4 groups. On differentdays after infection the rats were dissected and the worms were counted and measured. The data were analyzed by SPSS package.[Results] Albendazole and Mebendazole at dose of 20mg/kg.d for 6 days could eliminate the parasites in rats completely. However, Ivermectin orPyranteli pamoatis couldn t. [Conclusion] The effects of Albendozole andMebendazole against A. cantonensis are significant. Ivermectin andPyranteli pamoatis are ineffective to A. cantonensis. Key words: Angiostrongylus cantonensis; drug screening; Ivermectin; Pyranteli pamoatis; Mebendazole; Albendozole
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料 SD雄性大白鼠50只,体重150 g,购自上海西普尔—必凯实验动物有限公司(SINO-BRITISH SIPPR/BK LAB ANIMAL Ltd)。伊维菌素系浙江医学科学院寄生虫病研究所赠送的进口分装原粉药物。阿苯哒唑系中美史克公司生产的“肠虫清”,批号99010977。甲苯咪唑采用西安杨森制药有限公司生产的“安乐士”,批号980319203。噻嘧啶为杭州民生[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中枢神经系统对大鼠咽肌前运动神经元的神经调控 假狂犬病毒跨突触标记 下一个医学论文: 追踪不同接尘女工肺功能与慢性阻塞性肺部疾病的早期关系