萘哌地尔与特拉唑嗪治疗高血压随机对照试验 |
陆秋芬 赵美华 荣烨之 刘晓红
摘 要 目的: 研究观察萘哌地尔对轻、中度高血压的降压疗效。方法: 采用随机分组、开放、平行对照的观察方法。试验组29例用萘哌地尔治疗; 对照组24例, 用特拉唑嗪片治疗。结果: 治疗6周后, 试验组收缩压平均下降24.18±7.56 mmHg, 舒张压下降17.33±9.87 mmHg; 对照组患者收缩压平均下降23.79±10.09 mmHg, 舒张压下降16.77±8.96 mmHg, 两组比较差异不显著。试验组降压总有效率82.8%, 对照组降压总有效率83.3%, 两组比较, 无统计学意义。两组副反应的发生率差异不显著。结论: 萘哌地尔与特拉唑嗪在降压作用上结果同样良好, 耐受性良好。 关键词 萘哌地尔 特拉唑嗪 高血压 对照试验
Random Case-Control Study of the Effectiveness of Naftopidil and Terazosin in Treatment of Hypertension
Lu Qiufen, Zhao Meihua, Rong Yizi, Liu Xiaohong (Department of Cardiology, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200092, P.R.China)
ABSTRACT To evaluate the effectiveness of Naftopidil and Terazosin in controlling the blood pressure in the patients with mild or moderate hypertension, a random, open and parallel case-control study was conducted. The total of 29 patients entered into trial group in which Naftopidil was applied while 24 were in control group, who were given Terazosin. The systolic and diastolic pressure after 6 weeks treatment was lowered by 24.18±7.56 and 17.33±9.87mmHg, trial group while 23.79±10.09 and 16.77±9.6 mmHg in controls. There was no significant difference in the pressure reduction between the trial and control groups. The total effective rate was 83% in trial group and it was 83% in controls and no significant difference was revealed. The rate of side-effect was 3% in trial group while it was 4% in controls and there was no significant difference between the two groups. The efficacy of Naftopidil in controlling the blood pressure is as efficient as that of Terazosin and both drugs are well tolerated by the patients. KEY WORDS Naftopidil; Hypertension; Efficacy; Terazosin▲
萘哌地尔为国产Ⅰ类新药, 目前国内外均未上市。Ⅰ期临床试验表明其为中长效的α1受体阻滞剂, 具有较弱的钙拮抗剂作用, 因此能有效地降低控制血压[1,2]。萘哌地尔是由贵阳医学院合成药物研究首创开发中心研制。我院对其降压疗效和安全性作了临床观察, 并与已经上市的同类降[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 国产与进口阿奇霉素治疗小儿支原体肺炎随机对照试验 下一个医学论文: 茶碱对哮喘患者肺泡巨噬细胞释放TNF IL