不同起搏方式对病窦综合征患者远期效果的影响 |
However,the left atrial diameter (LAD) had less change.The ratio of E/A increased obviously from 0.87±0.15 to 0.98±0.09 in DDD mode(P<0.01) and was getting higher from 0.93±0.07 to 1.01±0.23 in AAI mode (P=0.057).The incidence of atrial arrhythmia was much lower from 50% to 15.9%(P<0.01).② The group of patients with unphysiological pacemakers (VVI mode) had obviously decreased LVEF from 48.3±4.3% to 44.1±4.7% and CO from 4.17±0.85 L/min to 3.77±0.42 L/min,but more larger LAD from 36.81±2.35 mm to 39.26±2.37 mm(P<0.01).The ratio of E/A went down from 0.83±0.31 to 0.71±1.34.Although fewer atrial tachycardia happened than before,total incidence of atrial flutter and fibrillation increased from 49.6% to 56.6% (P<0.05).Conclusion: Physiological pacemakers not only improved the long-term cardiac function of patients with SSS,but also reduced atrial arrhythmia.Nevertheless,the patients with AAI pacemakers had no much better long-term cardiac function than those with DDD pacemakers. Key words Cardiac pacing,Physiological Cardiac function Arrhythmias,atrial
1 资料与方法 1.1 研究对象 确诊为病窦于1983年4月~1997年12月在我院安置起搏器患者共211例,男141例、女70例,年龄63.5±11.2(26~89)岁。其中窦性心动过缓和(或)窦性停搏98例、窦房阻滞(SAB)8例、慢-快综合征105例。生理性起搏82例(38.9%),其中AAI起搏34例(16.1%),DDD起搏48例(22.7%);非生理性起搏(VVI)129例(61.1%)。105例慢-快综合征患者中AAI起搏者5例,DDD起搏者36例,VVI起搏64例。 1.2 方法 211例患者均于住院期间行超声心动图检查,出院后进行定期随访,复查超声心动图及心电图和(或)Holter检查观察心功能及房性心律失常情况。105例慢-快综合征患者于术后给予地高辛、心律平及胺碘酮等抗心律失常药物治疗。 1.2.1 心功能评价方法 采用Acuson-128彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率3.5 MHz,常规于二维心尖四腔图用Domple取样,于二尖瓣口测得E峰与A峰,再于胸骨旁长轴腱索中段以M型超声测取左房内径(LAD)、左室收缩及舒张末内径,自动计算E/A值、左室射血分数(LV上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 紧急床旁临时心脏起搏173例分析 下一个医学论文: 右室永久起搏可行的后备电极放置部位 右室流出道